Thursday, December 22, 2011


Dear Friends and Family,
Thank you for all the cards, pictures, visits, and phone calls. We have a tradition that all the pictures get placed on the refrigerator for the year so we can pray for you and see your wonderful families. This year they are posted on the wall next to Dick's bed and have made a wonderful way for him to see you and share in your Christmas and holiday wishes. I will get a note out after the Day and let you know how all is going.
A dear friend from Church who is a PT is coming out with me early Christmas Day to get Dick dressed in his finery-his Grant plaid rabat and green coat- and bring him to the 10 o'clock service at St. Luke's. This is his first outting into the church and then home for the turkey and goodies. Bob Baker, our friend who has been working hard to get the door widened, grab rails up, and a ramp made to assist us has truly been a God send as well as all the St. Luke's family, our neighbors, and the weekly visitors. My nail and hairdresser,Suzie, has come out and cut his hair once and is coming Christmas Eve for a trim. Is this not the gracious hand of the Lord meeting not only needs but wants? I really do not know how to express the fullness of my heart for all these loved ones who are carrying us in their arms and prayers.
Yesterday, the 21st was our 48th anniversary and we had fun. I took our wedding album out, showed everyone what a cutie Dick was and is, and had a great time at the resident Christmas event luncheon. Then for dinner I went out and brought in enchiladas for us to enjoy and have some of our soul food. He ate everything and thoroughly enjoyed the change and reminiscing. We have had quite a journey together and expect more adventures in the coming years. The Lord has not let any of this be wasted and we are amazed at the way He uses our lives to bring glory to His Father . Being His children is far from dull and very comforting to know He has everything well in hand.
We send our Christmas greetings and blessing for a full, joyous,love filled day as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior.
Dick and Amy

Thursday, December 8, 2011


 Dick and I have been busy getting goals met and slowly seeing progress. I did have the xrays done and there were no fractures of the hips, just degenerative bone evidence and a spur. We were able to get him out in the car for a ride around and that was great. I took him by the house and saw one of our neighbors outside.He was delighted and they had a good talk. Then I drove by the Publix, our big grocery chain, ran in and got him some of their Chinese food which he really likes. We took it back to the center and had that for dinner rather than their "cuisine". He did very well and thoroughly enjoyed the change of scenery. I need to get him out this next week to see all he Christmas lights.
 If you ever wonder how the Lord knows what you need to know and when, give me a call sometime and I can tell you. I started thinking about how we need to re- configure the bathrooms and what equipment will be necessary. Not just wondering but beginning to fret. Psalm 37 popped up about fret not- KJV- and I reluctantly said okay. The next day I saw a friend in the Publix who said," remember I can do plumbing and electrical work", and he was the one who had installed a door for us in the bathroom that would fold and give us more room. You have to remember our house was built in the fifty's and bathrooms were not the priority. Dick's is a real joke. A walk through closet would be more like it. As it turns out we can remove the door into our bedroom, take off the framing, enlarge a few inches, and get about 29 inches from the present 23inches now. My brother just happens to be having his bathroom redone so they will send his workers over to see if it is possible. Humm, how did the Lord know I would be needing this help? My next concern was getting a doctor as a follow up with Dick and who? Again yesterday the therapist asked if I had started thinking about this and said it would have to be a neurologist and we needed to have Dick seen before he leaves the center. The neurologist will be able to tell just how much he sees is returning according to the medical records since the stroke. So I started on that today and have someone and have gotten the ball rolling. Dick has alot of issues since he did have that heart attack in 93, all the cancer, and now this. I had no idea there was so much to be on top of at this stage of the game. But it is going smoothly and I am sure we will be ready to get him home by the end of Jan. He will definitely be in a wheelchair unless the Lord speeds up the healing process of his brain re-wiring. That could be your specific prayer because right now he is totally dependent on help.
He has gotten much stronger and is able to pull himself up to the bar and stand straight with help stablizing his left leg. He can take steps with his right leg, a hemi-walker, and assistance sliding his left foot. He is getting some tone back in the left arm and leg but no independent movement and alot of pain on that side. The is no determination as to how long and if he will regain use of that side. His spirits are fair and he can still laugh but wears out easily. Our nightly prayers, Advent readings, and blessings get both of us the night and next day. The harvest is plentiful out there and our hearts can 't help but sadden at  so many discouraged and hopeless people. Please pray that we can remain strong in the Lord's promises and love as this gets long and wearing on the soul and spirit. Your prayers, calls, and cards are very lifting and a constant reminder that Romans 8:28 is truth.

Blessings and joy this wonderful Advent season.
Amy and Dick

Monday, November 28, 2011


Dear Family and Friends,
 What a blessed and God filled Thanksgiving we had. Our dear friends, Charlene and David Laird and two prayer warriors, Pena and Zona, came out laden with real turkey and all the goodies of a home made meal to celebrate with Dick and me. I had decorated the private dining room like I would at home and we shared wonderful fellowship and of course food.  Our friend Pena is quite a believer and always has stories to tell of how the Lord takes her from day to day. She literally has very little to live on and lives by faith to make it to the next day. We all need a dose of Pena especially when we think we are struggling.
 Dick is still complaining of terrible pain in his left hip and even though the therapist say it is just the nerves waking up, I am ready to have it xrayed. Even if it is just the nerves I will have peace of mind that there are no fractures or tumors getting in the way.  This advocating gets tiring after awhile but with the load the therapists have I guess I need to be in there all the time. I am also going to see if he can be on antinflamatories every four hours to get this under control. He really does not say anything about how bad it is until I am there and that does frustrate the staff as they have a PRN order for pain.
 he still has no movement in his left arm or leg but can feel the tension in his left thigh as he tries to move it. That is a good sign.
 I am hoping to get permission to get him out in the car for a ride and see the lights. The PT has to help him with the transfer and I would have to arrange to have them assist into the car before and after our jaunt. I did some wheeling and dealing last month and traded in our 2 cars and got a Honda CR-V and left over money to do some house needs as garage doors. The car is a better fit than our Odyssey and Camrey were. One too high and the other too low. I warned Dick that he better get home soon or no telling what I might sell. He has alot of "treasures" .
 We will be spending Christmas here but I do not think he will be ready to stay home over night. We will get him here for the day and enjoy the gift of our Lord and Savior together . I did make him an Advent  wreath using the battery operated candles so we can read and light our candles every day. This is one of our favorite seasons in the church year as we prepare our hearts and minds for the first coming of Jesus and waiting and staying alert for His second coming. May you experience that wonderful anticipation of His birth and know that without our Abba's deep,unconditional love for EACH of us we would be among those who have no hope or joy as we journey through our lives in this world.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I have waited to pass along the news  because we had a care plan gathering with the staff today and wanted to gather their impressions of Dick's progress.
The PT and OT are pleased with his working hard and see gradual movement and strength on the left side. He still has no use of the left side but has gained enough strength in his trunk to allow his left elbow to slightly push him towards the right and then bring himself up to a sitting position. Their goal is to have him able to accomplish daily activities with little assistance. I watched him stand in the parallel bars today and makes me so appreciate the use of my limbs without any difficulty. It is hard to watch an active man now having to struggle to stand and walk. I thank the Lord for the patience and gift of the therapists.

He has not been able to sleep very well as his roommate calls out in the night and there are two men down the hall that yell. We brought that up at the meeting and there is a room available tomorrow that is in a quieter hall. He really needs his rest as he can barely stay awake after a couple of the therapies.

This Friday we are getting together with the two couples we meet with for dinner and fellowship. They are coming out to the center and we have the private diningroom to use as we bring home cooked goodies and
celebrate our life in the Lord and each other. We have been so blessed by the visitors and contact all of you have made with us. Truly the Body of Christ in action. I am sure this has enabled Dick to keep trying and trust in the Lord to give him the strength to walk this journey.  We will bring Thanksgiving to him and also I plan to join him on the 22nd to celebrate with the center at their Thanksgiving meal.

As I think about Thanksgiving I have so much to be thankful for in having Dick alive and the care and accessiblity to wonderful health care. I have a giving, loving, and faithful family and a wonderful Church family that has walked with Dick and me through years of health issues. May our Lord and Savior bless and grace you with His deep abiding love.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


The first week has gone by quickly and we are very happy with the therapy department. They even gave Dick a good workout yesterday which is more than he got at the hospital rehab. The poor guy is really beat by the end of the day. They have worked out a schedule that enables him to rest more in the morning just getting speech therapy and then after lunch they give him three hours of PT and OT. They are pleased with his effort and he now can stand for five minutes in the parallel bars. He has a long way to go but is determined to see this through.
 I do not go in to see him until after all the work, as he gets easily distracted and needs to stay focused on the exercises. I stay for dinner with him, get him ready for bed, and then have time to read and pray together. Both of us have a better night knowing the Lord is with us even while we are  apart. This has been hard to have to leave him  knowing his next day is going to be more of the same and is such a slow process. My prayer is that he will be able to come home for Christmas and that I will be able to manage without difficulty.
Blessings to all of you as you follow our journey with the Lord and His grace and mercy.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


The move on Thursday went well and both Dick and I felt the Lord had put him in the right place. The therapists came that day and started evaluating him. He  hit it off with the PT who was a big guy that also works out at Dr. Phillips Hospital where Dick is a pool chaplain. They had not met but the connection was there. I was very impressed with the therapists for PT and OT. I have not seen the ST but will try to touch base this week.

I have some concern for the aides and their ability to do the transfering. I kept having to tell them to brace Dick's left leg as he has no use of it or his arm. They nod yes but go ahead anyway and I have had to help hold him up. I am going to talk to the PT's tomorrow and ask them to instruct the aides again. They do not seem to get the message and rather use a lift. He needs the exercise of getting up with assistance and not depending on a lift.   I can almost do him but he is too solid and we need two people at the moment.
I have worked all shifts in a nursing home and in a rehab unit and have observed how the staff reacts to suggestions or corrections. I have been asking the Lord to give me the right words to approach this because  I have seen the patient get the brunt of the "complaint". Pray for my patience and tact as I get pretty tight in the jaws when I see slip shod nursing care. Another lesson in leaning on and the Lord and letting the Holy Spirit take over from the flesh.

We had a good talk with another PT who was very direct and up front. She said it would probably take 3 months to get Dick to the place where he will be strong enough to transfer himself and get from the bed to the chair and to manage the parallel bars himself. She was encouraging and said she had many clients who did walk out on their own and felt Dick would be one of them. We appreciated her honesty and gave us a goal to aim towards. I would really like to bring him home for Christmas but we will have to wait and see. I do have a peace about all this and know that deep down Dick does too. This was so unexpected and he frequently comments how he feels as if he were lifting his leg and arm  but nothing.  Some real processing going on.

Today's sermon was on Psalm 43 and 42 was referenced also. I went back and started with Psalm 40 and read through 43. What a word for Dick and me today. We do know the steadfastness of the Lord and praise His name through the nights and days, now and ahead.

Blessings and thanksgivings to all of you who are carrying us on wings of prayer.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Dear Friends,

Tomorrow, October 27th, is Dick's scheduled discharge from the in-hospital rehab to an outside rehab facility.

My sister in-law Rosemary and I took on that task this past week and toured four places near our area of town. I had my brother,Roger, working on the computer to check the ratings , so we have made this a family affair.
I have to say it is interesting to go into these places and observe the overall atmosphere and personalities of the staff and clients. We came away knowing Dick needs to be in an "up" place that presents the feeling that those there are aiming to go home. I realize many are long term but only two gave me a feeling of hope and not resignation to what life has handed them.  At first I was drawn to one that is not more than 4 miles away but had a " niggly" feeling about it that I could not really identify. The other one is The Health Center of Windermere . It is only  7 miles away, the same distance from the hospital only a more direct route out I-4.

I generally go in the afternoon and stay until he is ready for bed, so will miss the traffic that highway generates. The place is very nice, has two therapy rooms that are large and bright, and a positive feeling.

Dick is improving. He can now get himself up to a standing position with minimal help and is beginning to stand alone for a short minute or two. He still has no use of his left side but has greater trunk strength which will help him in the walking and strengthening of his legs and hips. He is able to pivot into his wheelchair and get to a sitting position on the bed with minimal help. His speech is improving in volume but needs to slow down when he reads out loud. He continues to be very tired so the therapists have been  doing the strenuous work in the afternoon so he can rest in the morning and do the ST first.

The best news of the week was that he can now eat regular food, so I went out and got him some cheese enchiladas, refried beans, and guacamole. He ate it all and grinned the whole way through. Then Rosemary brought him some of her homemade applesauce which really tastes like pie without the crust.

We continue to be encouraged and blessed by all the prayers, cards, and visits that have come our way .Thank you for being a major part of the Lord's healing heart and mercy.

Dick will be at the Health Center of Windermere
4875 Cason Cove Dr.
Orlando,FL 32811

Thursday, October 20, 2011


This has been a week of improvement from few headaches, ability to stay awake, and really work hard. The schedule for Dick has been to let him rest in the AM and start the disciplines of OT,PT,and ST around 11AM. This gives him the opportunity to get through the morning ADL's--breakfast, dressing, and plain waking up. He passed his swallowing test to allow him to have plain liquids instead of the honey thick drinks that were not very appetizing. He still is on soft so has not gotten his Krispy Kreme yet but that will come.
He has been on the parallel bars and can stand straight with his left knee supported and looks into a mirror to see his alignment. He is beginning to help with the transferring from bed to wheelchair using a sliding board. The therapist,Sean, is working with me to do it with Dick. W are all hoping to see alot of progress this next week because he is to be discharged the 27th. 

The doctor and team feel he needs to go to another rehab center for more therapy as he will be too much for me to handle alone. So, Rosemary ,my sister in-law is going with me tomorrow to check out some places near us. We were advised by the caseworker to go unannounced so we can get a real feel for the places. We need to check for patient/nurse ratio, how much therapy they receive a day, general attitude, etc.

Dick has a new roommate who is a 50 yr. old man who had a brain tumor removed last year and has been on chemo therapy. He had a stroke last week that they feel is due to the chemo and radiation. He and his family are lovely and believing Christians. Right away he asked if he and Dick could pray together and set the tone for some special moments of thanksgiving and prayer. I have been reading God's Blessings by Sylvia Gunter and Arthur Burke each evening before I leave and saying a prayer of protection and peace over them. What a blessing this has been for me as I leave them knowing they are safe in the arms of Jesus and will get the much needed rest they require. I also come home with peace and the assurance all is well. What a wonderful Lord we serve.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


I put Susie on the plane this morning and greet a new week with just Dick and me. We were so blessed to have our girls come and walk with us these three weeks as we began adjusting to our new journey.

We learned alot about asking questions, following up on orders written, and checking to make sure Dick was being given the correct care or finding out why not. I can truly say it is difficult being on the other side of the  nurse/patient relationship as I was definitely one of those intrusive family members and yet observed a real change in nursing care. There is a sense of non relationship between families and staff. Almost a fear to connect. The therapists and techs are more involved and seem to try to understand the whole patient needs.
The doctors, not all, hesitate to make eye contact and rush in and out before questions can be asked.  There is a very personable neuropsychologist on the floor that has been my contact person and I feel comfortable going to him with my concerns and questions.

`I have seen some improvement in Dick's ability to stay more alert. Friday the therapists really worked him hard and he stuck with it. Saturday was a rest day but he stayed awake, was up in the rec room, and seemed more relaxed. Today some friends brought their dog Muffin for a visit and he was able to go outside to visit. That really perked him up.

Now that the girls have gone home we are changing the schedule so I go in to visit in the afternoon while he has the morning to totally concentrate on therapy . We have a week to catch up from the lost time with the headaches and general weariness. I think we have made a turn and look forward to better days.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

UPDATE - 10/13/11

Hi all,

This is Susie, bringing the update on Daddy, as Momma is too tired to write.  Since the weekend, we had a run of three good days with Daddy at the rehab unit.  He was more alert, didn't have hiccups and was able to participate actively in all his therapy.  Monday's highlights included celebrating the Eucharist with Daddy.  He reads pretty well, though slowly.  In addition, that day he got his long awaited shower, which turned into a comedy routine, so I've been told.  On Wednesday we were visited by Nancy & Jerry Everett (Daddy's "oldest" friend from El Paso) and John Dugan (from our Navasota days).  Daddy's eyes fairly danced with the pleasure of reminiscing old times.

Despite this progress, Daddy has continued to experience headaches and some of them severe.  This morning I arrived to find him still abed and suffering a particularly bad headache that ibuprofen failed to resolve.  The nurse had to give him something stronger, even though that meant he couldn't stay awake and would miss therapy.  They decided to do another MRI this evening and a chest x-ray to make sure his lungs were clear, after hearing some wheezing.  The chest x-ray was clear, so that was good.  We hope to hear about his MRI tomorrow.  He has continued to complain of pain in his shoulder and hip, which we think is his muscles making noise about the unusual strain they are under.  They did an x-ray to make sure he hadn't broken his left collar bone that has suffered spontaneous fractures in the past as a result of his cancer.  The x-rays came out clear.

Thank you to everyone for the cards, calls and visits.  They do amazing things to lift Momma & Daddy's spirits.  We covet your prayers for healing, patience and discernment as we continue to navigate this difficult path.

Much love,


Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I am taking a break this morning from the early shift of visiting Dick. Susie is here for the week and is going in to follow His progress and learn as much as she can to pass along to me. Since the girls have been here I am able to get their opinions and help when things seem a bit overwhelming.

Dick's weekend was not very good as he had the hiccups so much that the doctor put him on a med that zonked him. He seems to make some progress and then a step back. Yesterday, however, was much better and he had some good PT, OT, and ST. He is still significantly impaired on his left side and does not have the use of his arm and leg. He is very much aware of this and tries hard but gets discouraged. I continue to set our sights on our friend Bud Brakmann who had the same thing eight years ago and is a testimony to the healing power and grace of God. We are very aware of the presence of Jesus in all this.

Thank you one and all for the cards, prayers, calls and visits. We truly cherish our family in Christ and know that this would be so much harder without your support.  1John4:16.

Friday, October 7, 2011


I am sitting in Dick's room while he rests after a busy morning of therapy. He looked the brightest I have seen him in two weeks. He still has little stamina and either rests in the morning and works all afternoon or vice-versa. He has been on the parallel bars twice but has no strength on the left side and is dead weight. He did stand in the standing table today and said it felt good. His therapists are wonderful and he has charmed them with his sense of humor and good nature.

We had a team meeting yesterday with the doctor, case manager, and representatives of the therapists. They are hoping for Oct.27th as the discharge date but I really doubt if he will be ready. I know they have to set a goal for Medicare but he must be able to do 75%  with 25% assistance. Right now it is just the opposite.

Susie flys in tomorrow for a week and Becky heads home on Sunday. One of the things the doctor emphasized is my need for help after Dick gets home. The girls are planning to return after we get him home and settled.

He likes to get tucked in at night with a prayer and blessing that holds him in the arms of Jesus and the sure knowledge of his safety  in the Lord.

Monday, October 3, 2011


This past weekend was a bit of a set back as Dick was very lethargic and having a hard time focusing. He complained of a headache most of the time and then said his right side felt numb too. He was bright early this morning but the doctors wanted another CT scan and  doplar on his legs. There is a concern of emboli but the doplar came back all right. The CT however shows more of an evolving stroke that may be affecting the left side of the brain. He was able to get some rest and then given permission to have therapy. They really worked him in OT,ST, and PT. He continues to keep his humor and has charmed the therapists. The interesting thing is that his Spanish has come flowing out and much better than I have ever heard it. He delights in using it and we have so many Hispanic staff that they have a ball.
The hardest thing for me is to see him unable to move around and nnot have any control of his left arm and leg. I can tell he is frustrated but he has been very compliant and so far is willing to try whatever te staff ask him to do.
Becky is here now and Katie went home Sunday. Becky is right in there asking questions and another of our blessings the Lord gave us in our three daughters.

Friday, September 30, 2011


Dick had a slight set back yesterday and today. He was extremely tired and not as alert . His ability to focus and stay with the PT program was noticeably decreased. Then I found out he had had the flu shot and was to receive the pneumonia shot. The need for these shots were for his protection in the rehab unit. After the stem cell transplant a year ago he was ready to be re-vaccinated for the childhood immunizations plus the flu and pneumonia. He is being exposed to everything and everybody and I really think his lethargy is due to these shots. I know I can feel pretty rough myself after the flu shot.

The highlight of today was the arrival of our youngest, Becky,Pat her husband, and Clara the 4yr.old granddaughter. Papa was pretty wiped out but she went right to him and gave him a big hug and then was
very concerned and attentive to him. We did not know how she would be since he does not have the old sparkle and charm, but she warmed right up to him. That was good medicine in itself.  She and her daddy will go back to Chicago on Monday and Becky will stay till Sunday. Katie leaves to go home this Sunday but we did get to celebrate her birthday here which was a neat way after all these changes in the Grant clan.

I go in late in the evening to make sure he is tucked in, has his evening prayers, and settled for the night in the loving arms of his Abba. We are so blessed to know who is in control of all this and comforted by the realization that nothing can separate us from the love of God.

Thanks to all for the cards, calls, and prayers.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Dick was moved to the Winter Park rehab unit this afternoon  It is a smaller hospital than Florida South and not quite as hectic. Since he will be on a strictly Rehab ,unit there will not be all the miscommunication between services as we experienced at Fla South on the neurology floor. The PT's , Speech therapists and OT's we came to know all said this was a good place and he will get intensive therapy. Not sure how long he will be there- at least 2 weeks.

He has not had much sleep up until now as the noise level and general anxiety of the hospital took its toll . Now he should be able to relax somewhat and know what he is being told will not be changed every few hours.

The results of the last test to find the origin of the clot did not reveal any serious areas of the heart. The doctor believes it must have been a very small piece of calcium or plaque. he will only have to be on a conservative med. probably like Plavix.. That is a praise the Lord.

Katie and I are pretty worn out and putting it to bed early tonight. Up and at it again tomorrow. The unit encourages family involvement at all phases so we will be there with bells on.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


I am having some trouble getting this started as the days seem to start with a bang and don't stop until I get home. There is so much going on and not sure what to include.

Dick is slowly gaining strength.  Yesterday was full of physical and occupational therapies.

The green type is Dick's own words.

  While it is tiring he is not complaining because he is surrounded by a bevy of really cute PT's and OT's. who keep encouraging him.He did very well, but as expected, he was exhausted.  We're hoping to get him into the rehab center this weekend.  Today he is waiting for his Transesophageal Echocardiogram to determine if the heart is the source of the plaque.  Dick is not looking forward to having the probe put down his throat, but we know this is one more step in getting some answers.  Our Scripture reading was from Psalm 34.  How appropriate to be reminded once again that the Lord is our Deliverer!

Katie arrived last night right before the heavens opened up with a terrific storm.  She is so thankful to have averted that adventure in the air.  She'll be here until Oct. 2nd to be another set of hands, eyes and ears. 

News bulletin: after being without food since breakfast we just learned they do not do the test over the weekend. Rather frustrating. communication between services, staff, and patients leaves alot to be desired. I have a feeling this is part of our refining. Dick says the refining fire is hot!!!~!

The Lord is good and He will take me through this valley.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Grant Saga Begins

For those of you who are checking out Dick's blog and did not get the email I sent out, I will copy it here so you can catch up on the latest healing journey we have under taken. Have to admit this was not in our plans

 but then just another way to strengthen our trust and confidence in the Lord.

Time to put Dick back on the prayer list. He had an extensive stroke Tuesday night around 11:00 while getting into bed. I was reading in bed and he appeared to be leaning over to give me a kiss but I thought he was fooling around not getting all the way on the bed. When I asked him what he was doing he did not respond at first and as I looked up I noted he could not get his leg up. Then he garbled an answer and I called 911.

The upshot of all this is that he had a right anterior frontal and insular lobe clots, parietal lobe, and occipital lobe involvement. We now know that he could have  begun  this a couple of weeks ago but the largest one occurring Tuesday night. As we look back we can see the signs and symptoms but they were so much like the residuals of his chemo that we ignored them. 

Yesterday and today have been exhausting as trying to get him to tests that have been delayed, lack of communication between the staff and various departments, and the anxiety that accompanies all this.
Through it all he has maintained his sense of humor but obviously is scared but able to return to joy as we see the hand of the Lord at work. He has major loss of his left leg and arm but it has already started to gain some strength. His cognitive abilities are in tact and his speech is coming back rapidly. Can't keep a preacher from talking. It is getting clearer and he is totally alert.
The girls are flying in a week at a time to help out and give me the ears and words to hear all the directions, opinions, and ask the questions I forget to ask . What a blessing they are. It really is true that it takes a village to raise a child and continue throughout life to be a community to one another. The body of Christ has rallied around especially our Cathedral family, neighborhood and personal friends. We have been securely wrapped in the arms of our Abba, Savior, and Comforter.
I will try and get Dick's blog up and going and get him on it as soon as possible. He can always dictate to me and give you his impressions of this new adventure in our healing journey. You can bet we will have different viewpoints as he is the patient and I am the rehab nurse. I have learned over the years that mercy has to go along with the rehab attitude to " just do it." God has interesting ways to form those Godly characteristics that need fine tuning.


Today is the 22nd and we had good results from the Carotid Arteriogram. : slight stenosis in the right carotid and no stenosis in the left. But the question now is where did the plaque orginate? The echocardiogram has not been read or at least repoted to me. So I imagine he will be in this unit another day  and hopefully if all is well he can go to the rehab unit by this weekend. We want to stay here at Florida Hospital and he does qualify if there is a bed available. So, your prayer assignment is to pray for a bed whenever he is able to be transferred.

Had a good workout with PT,OT, and speech therapy. There is little to no movement in the left hand but he can raise his arm well and will be working on arm,hand, and shoulder excersises.
His speech therapist showed him how to purse his lips,keep tightly closed and blow out his cheeks. He added a raspberry as an additional step.

We will keep you aware of the trip and thank you already for the phone calls, visits, emails, and prayers.

Dick and Amy
Nehemiah 8:10

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Blog #43 April 24, 2011 Alleluia! He is risen indeed!

Dear Family and Friends:

Alleluia, He is risen!  I am, of course, speaking primarily of our risen Lord Jesus, whose resurrection we celebrated on the 24th.  But, in a way, I am also referring to my own renewed life and energy.  After a three month "rest", I am once again tapping out the good news of how the Lord has restored me.

Wednesday of Holy week, my doctor again reassured me that there is no "M-spike" evidence in my blood of any multiple myeloma.  He said, "You are in complete remission." 

Alleluia!  Praise the risen and living Lord!

This is what the Lord told Amy years ago would be the case, and what I also "believed" but was more inclined to think of as probably "living with supressed cancer for a prolonged time with a good quality of life."  For one reason, every doctor who has ever spoken to me about multiple myeloma has said, "there is no cure for bone cancer."  And secondly, in all the years since diagnosis, (now going on 10) my quality of life has been quite good.  (It's hard for me to tell the difference between being weak and being just plain lazy.)

I am now convinced that Jesus has a plan for me (us) and an on-going ministry for which these ten years have just been a prologue.  Please pray for me that I may discern what that plan may be in its fullest.  I have already been approached by a fellow priest in another diocese to tell him of my experience as he, too, is about to go through a stem cell transplant. My testimony to him certainly felt like at least part of that call, and I pray that it was encouraging to him and all to God's glory.

Is there more of that to do?  In what format?  Rejoice with us and pray for guidance!

And thank you for your love, support, and prayers!  Happy Easter!  He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

As ever,


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Blog #42 Jan 22, 2011 Teach us to pray, chortle, chortle

Dear Family and Friends:

When last I posted, I referred to Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass and the tale of the Jabberwocky contained therein.  The proud father welcomed his victorious son with exclamations of joy as he "chortled."  That term has been in my family's vocabulary since I was a child, long enough for me to wonder if it was extant at the time of Carroll's use of it. Today I looked up the term "chortle" in my Webster's Dictionary and learned that Carroll invented it; Webster defines it as a joyful contraction of a of a snort and a chuckle, expressing great delight.

So what's the connection with prayer?

A very dear friend and a sincere Christian recently shyly expressed interest in learning to pray.  I expressed sympathy with him as I had once been an very reluctant pray-er.  Having been raised an Episcopalian, I was always more comfortable reading prayers to God than I was in speaking with Him.

That is, until I had a very dramatic and freeing encounter with Jesus which has had me chuckling ever since. But, that is a story for another time.  The result, however, is that, unless I am reading a formalized prayer or collect, I can't seem to help chortling before I ever utter a word of prayer!  It seems to be in response to the knowledge and assurance that my Father awaits me with open arms, uttering ejaculations of joy and delight, chortling all the while, "Come to my arms, my beamish boy!" He welcomes my communication attempts at any level of utterance, with or without formal words like "vouchsafe," "inestimable," and "miserable sinners," etc. Callou! Callay!

So, I delight in the opportunity to "teach us to pray," for as Jesus was to quickly demonstrate in his response to his disciple's request, you begin with expressing relationship...."Our Father."  Not "Our Judge," or "Our stern old Grandfather." The real key to prayer is to first recognize the loving, approachable nature of our Heavenly Father, who delights in our relationship with Him.  So, to teach anyone to pray is to first teach them the intimate nature of God. 

Unfortunately, for many, the thought of going to father, is like being told to report to the Principal's office. If that's the case, great healing is required, which is something also for another opportunity.  In the meantime, use the illustration of the mythical Jabberwocky's slaying, and the joy of the receptive father, to prompt you as you approach your welcoming father. 



Thursday, January 20, 2011

Blog #41 Jan 20, 2011 "O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!" He chortled in his joy

Dear Family and friends:

For those not familiar with Lewis Caroll's Through the Looking Glass, the tale of the Jabberwocky is worth a quick read after a search on Google (just enter "Jabberwocky). The non-sense words do have enough sense to convey the story of a man warning his son of the dangers of the Jabberwocky (dragon). The son encounters the Jabberwock and slays it.  The father receives his victorious son with these words:
             "And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
                  Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
              O frabjous day!  Callooh!  Callay!
                  He chortled in his joy!"

Allow me to chortle in my joy!  I received a phone call yesterday that put me in such inexpressible joy that I could only think of these non-conventional words of expression.  Those after, "Thank you, Lord Jesus!"

First a little back ground.  For twelve years prior to our arrival in Orlando, I was rector of a small parish (St. Thomas) in a small Texas town (Wharton); we had a parish day school which, as the economy worsened, began to have serious financial difficulty, and eventually closed after 35+ yrs. It was a very difficult time in my life.  My diagnosis of multiple myeloma in 2001 caused my retirement the following year.  The school closed the year after that.

We began each day with the children, pre-K thru 8th grade trooping into chapel singing "I sing a song of the saints of God."  We offered confession of our sins, recited the Apostle's creed and the Lord's Prayer, read some Scripture, sang some songs, prayed for those with birthdays, health or family issues, and for our city and nation.  Singing another song, they trooped out and gave me a hug or a handshake at the door.

Since that last day I was with them, I have often wondered what impact that daily ritual has had on their lives.  I suppose my personal Jabberwock was the question of whether anything lasting came out of those twelve years.  Did those St. Thomas kids go on to public school and continue to begin their day with our school prayer,
                "Dear God; come with me to school and be with me in my lessons and in my play;
                 help me to be careful in my studies, obedient to my teachers, friendly and thoughtful
                 of others, and like Jesus in my words and deeds. Amen" 

Well, yesterday, out of the blue, I got a phone call from a young man who is still in Wharton and in full time ministry with his church and a couple of other smaller ones.  He is married and has four children! He said he has never forgotten the confession, the Lord's prayer, the creed, or the school prayer.  In fact, he has taught them to his children, and the youngest (four yrs old) chides him if he forgets!

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! I chortle in my joy!  Thou hast slain my Jabberwock! Come to my arms my beamish boy! 

No greater joy can come than to know that some of the seeds cast landed in fertile ground!  Thank you Jesus, for the priviledge of seeing that fruit! Forgive me, Lord, for thinking that it was all up to me to be successful. Continue that which you have planned and nurtured in your time.

Rejoice with me, my beloved!


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Blog #40 Jan 18, 2011 The Best News Yet!

Dear Family and Friends:

I've been to several doctors in recent weeks; I saw my stem cell doc yesterday.  He looked at the results of my December blood draw and beamed, "I think we can use the term 'almost complete response' with you.  Your cancer is not discernable." (there are two factors in this assessment - one of them indicates no discernable cancer - and there's an itty-bitty something in the other, hence the inclusion of the term "almost" The doc thinks that one is going to disappear also!)

Whoopie!  Praise the Lord Jesus!  Only by His grace and mercy!

While we are exultant about my status and more than willing to "share the good news," we are especially aware of friends who are in the same or similar process of dealing with cancer and for whom the future is not so bright at the moment. I don't want to blunt my witness, nor do I want to trumpet it so that anyone would be offended by it inferring that I think I alone am special, or that "I got healed; what's wrong with you?  I must be His favorite!"

Please Jesus, keep me joyful but humble!

The other good report is that my recent PSA is now .71!  Down from a 4.0!  Again, thank you Jesus!  Not sure where we go from this point in that regard, but it's sounding pretty good!

AND, the cholesterol is 184, which is pretty good too! 

All in all, the Lord is taking good care of me, especially when I cooperate!

I'm pretty much over the cold I caught at Christmas, although I have a nigglin dry cough.  But, sooooo much better than before!  Thanks for your prayers in all the issues concerning my health!

So, what do you want me to do, now, Lord?

Peace, joy, love, and hope,


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Blog #39 Jan 6, 2011 Nearly "Nunc dismissit" Almost

Dear Family and friends:

A Blessed Epiphany and a Happy New Year!  (kof!, kof!)

When last I wrote, I said "Nunc Dimittis" in celebration of all that was currently going on (Christmas et al).
Well, be careful of what you ask for, even in jest!  Of all the sights, sounds, tastes, and touches I was rejoicing over, something reached out and touched me, and sent me home from Maryland a very sick puppy. I was so-so on the trip home, but when we got home on the 29th, I hit the sack and was really miserable (pronounced "midderable") until just today.  Fortunately I never ran a fever, as that would have meant hospitalization (probably). 

What I had was a down to earth old fashioned head cold that prevented me from lying down for very long at a time: I had to sit up in order to breathe (pronounced "brede")  Oh misery untold!

I missed the New Year's celebration, Amy's birthday, and two Sundays in Church.  But, since I was "up" anyway, I did manage to see just about as many of the football games as were broadcast...and that's a lot!  So there is some grace in this.

It just goes to prove what my doctors have cautioned me about exposure to crowds and weather, etc.  My whole immune system was knocked out by the transplant and will not be back to anywhere near normal for a year.  That includes all my shots, too:  polio, typhus, smallpox, yellow fever, red neck fever, martian zizzplax, etc.  In about two months, I should be able to get a flu shot.  Meantime, I'd better be careful around crowds.

I'm still pretty puny, but I am sooooo much better than the last 10 days!  Yea God! thank you for your mercy.  Don't take me yet, God, I didn't finish our Christmas cards before we left.  They are now Epiphany letters!

God Bless!  May this day be a new Epiphany of our Lord Jesus to your life; may this year be yet a stronger epiphany of Jesus in your countenance and in your lifestyle.
