Thursday, October 13, 2011

UPDATE - 10/13/11

Hi all,

This is Susie, bringing the update on Daddy, as Momma is too tired to write.  Since the weekend, we had a run of three good days with Daddy at the rehab unit.  He was more alert, didn't have hiccups and was able to participate actively in all his therapy.  Monday's highlights included celebrating the Eucharist with Daddy.  He reads pretty well, though slowly.  In addition, that day he got his long awaited shower, which turned into a comedy routine, so I've been told.  On Wednesday we were visited by Nancy & Jerry Everett (Daddy's "oldest" friend from El Paso) and John Dugan (from our Navasota days).  Daddy's eyes fairly danced with the pleasure of reminiscing old times.

Despite this progress, Daddy has continued to experience headaches and some of them severe.  This morning I arrived to find him still abed and suffering a particularly bad headache that ibuprofen failed to resolve.  The nurse had to give him something stronger, even though that meant he couldn't stay awake and would miss therapy.  They decided to do another MRI this evening and a chest x-ray to make sure his lungs were clear, after hearing some wheezing.  The chest x-ray was clear, so that was good.  We hope to hear about his MRI tomorrow.  He has continued to complain of pain in his shoulder and hip, which we think is his muscles making noise about the unusual strain they are under.  They did an x-ray to make sure he hadn't broken his left collar bone that has suffered spontaneous fractures in the past as a result of his cancer.  The x-rays came out clear.

Thank you to everyone for the cards, calls and visits.  They do amazing things to lift Momma & Daddy's spirits.  We covet your prayers for healing, patience and discernment as we continue to navigate this difficult path.

Much love,


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