Sunday, October 30, 2011


The move on Thursday went well and both Dick and I felt the Lord had put him in the right place. The therapists came that day and started evaluating him. He  hit it off with the PT who was a big guy that also works out at Dr. Phillips Hospital where Dick is a pool chaplain. They had not met but the connection was there. I was very impressed with the therapists for PT and OT. I have not seen the ST but will try to touch base this week.

I have some concern for the aides and their ability to do the transfering. I kept having to tell them to brace Dick's left leg as he has no use of it or his arm. They nod yes but go ahead anyway and I have had to help hold him up. I am going to talk to the PT's tomorrow and ask them to instruct the aides again. They do not seem to get the message and rather use a lift. He needs the exercise of getting up with assistance and not depending on a lift.   I can almost do him but he is too solid and we need two people at the moment.
I have worked all shifts in a nursing home and in a rehab unit and have observed how the staff reacts to suggestions or corrections. I have been asking the Lord to give me the right words to approach this because  I have seen the patient get the brunt of the "complaint". Pray for my patience and tact as I get pretty tight in the jaws when I see slip shod nursing care. Another lesson in leaning on and the Lord and letting the Holy Spirit take over from the flesh.

We had a good talk with another PT who was very direct and up front. She said it would probably take 3 months to get Dick to the place where he will be strong enough to transfer himself and get from the bed to the chair and to manage the parallel bars himself. She was encouraging and said she had many clients who did walk out on their own and felt Dick would be one of them. We appreciated her honesty and gave us a goal to aim towards. I would really like to bring him home for Christmas but we will have to wait and see. I do have a peace about all this and know that deep down Dick does too. This was so unexpected and he frequently comments how he feels as if he were lifting his leg and arm  but nothing.  Some real processing going on.

Today's sermon was on Psalm 43 and 42 was referenced also. I went back and started with Psalm 40 and read through 43. What a word for Dick and me today. We do know the steadfastness of the Lord and praise His name through the nights and days, now and ahead.

Blessings and thanksgivings to all of you who are carrying us on wings of prayer.

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