Sunday, November 6, 2011


The first week has gone by quickly and we are very happy with the therapy department. They even gave Dick a good workout yesterday which is more than he got at the hospital rehab. The poor guy is really beat by the end of the day. They have worked out a schedule that enables him to rest more in the morning just getting speech therapy and then after lunch they give him three hours of PT and OT. They are pleased with his effort and he now can stand for five minutes in the parallel bars. He has a long way to go but is determined to see this through.
 I do not go in to see him until after all the work, as he gets easily distracted and needs to stay focused on the exercises. I stay for dinner with him, get him ready for bed, and then have time to read and pray together. Both of us have a better night knowing the Lord is with us even while we are  apart. This has been hard to have to leave him  knowing his next day is going to be more of the same and is such a slow process. My prayer is that he will be able to come home for Christmas and that I will be able to manage without difficulty.
Blessings to all of you as you follow our journey with the Lord and His grace and mercy.

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