Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I have waited to pass along the news  because we had a care plan gathering with the staff today and wanted to gather their impressions of Dick's progress.
The PT and OT are pleased with his working hard and see gradual movement and strength on the left side. He still has no use of the left side but has gained enough strength in his trunk to allow his left elbow to slightly push him towards the right and then bring himself up to a sitting position. Their goal is to have him able to accomplish daily activities with little assistance. I watched him stand in the parallel bars today and makes me so appreciate the use of my limbs without any difficulty. It is hard to watch an active man now having to struggle to stand and walk. I thank the Lord for the patience and gift of the therapists.

He has not been able to sleep very well as his roommate calls out in the night and there are two men down the hall that yell. We brought that up at the meeting and there is a room available tomorrow that is in a quieter hall. He really needs his rest as he can barely stay awake after a couple of the therapies.

This Friday we are getting together with the two couples we meet with for dinner and fellowship. They are coming out to the center and we have the private diningroom to use as we bring home cooked goodies and
celebrate our life in the Lord and each other. We have been so blessed by the visitors and contact all of you have made with us. Truly the Body of Christ in action. I am sure this has enabled Dick to keep trying and trust in the Lord to give him the strength to walk this journey.  We will bring Thanksgiving to him and also I plan to join him on the 22nd to celebrate with the center at their Thanksgiving meal.

As I think about Thanksgiving I have so much to be thankful for in having Dick alive and the care and accessiblity to wonderful health care. I have a giving, loving, and faithful family and a wonderful Church family that has walked with Dick and me through years of health issues. May our Lord and Savior bless and grace you with His deep abiding love.

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