Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Dear Family and Friends,

No we have not fallen into a black hole but after all the girls left we are now on our own. I don't have  time to breath much less write and read emails. Those extra pair of hands were wonderful and trying to organize around Dick's needs, general household chores, doctor visits, and taxes to be done, I am a bit frazzled.

The urinary track problem is still with us so that means extra care and awareness to health issues. We have gone ahead and seen the oncologist about the multiple myeloma and done blood work. Dick is still having the severe pain in his left shoulder and hip which concerns our oncologist, so we go for a pet scan tomorrow to see what is going on. If all is clear then we 're going to have to find someone to help with pain management.  He is willing but not fully able to assist with the PT,OT, and general care issues because of the pain. We were hoping to have outpatient therapy start now but we still need the home care until this is resolved.

Again thank you for the cards, phone calls, and prayers. They are sustaining us through this time of trial and testing.
I have added the note we sent to the Cathedral as a thank you for all our church family has done and been to us.

Dear Cathedral Family and Friends,

Amy and I thank God for your prayers and friendship through these past months of my recovery since the stroke in late September. While I still have not recovered the use of my left arm and leg, I have retained my awareness of your many expressions of love and concern. Your many cards, phone calls, and prayers have sustained us this whole time and continue to help us persevere.

We so appreciate the various church ministries of the Health Team, Food Ministry,KitchenTeam, Prayer Ministry,and LEV’s. They helped by providing meals while our girls were down to help prepare the house and after Dick came home on February 4th. They provided advice and equipment to ready the house for wheelchair access, and ready and willing bodies to be available whenever we need caretakers to give Amy a chance to run errands. A very special thanks to Bob Baker who spent hours widening the doors and helping to remove all the carpet and get the parquet floors underneath in usable condition. Also to Joanne Mumely who walked us through the pre-home job of getting the right equipment and overall encourager since the stroke. Also Bill and Roxanne McCormac who provided the person to help with the shower revamping and their on the spot reminders that help is available. A special gift to Dick was being able to receive communion while at the rehab center and have pastoral visits from his fellow clergy. This has truly been the Christian community in action .

We can never fully express our appreciation in these few words but please know you have done real service in the name of and to the glory of Jesus.

In His love,

Dick and Amy Grant

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

He's Home!

Hi All,

This is Susie writing.  Momma's been so busy getting the house ready for Daddy's homecoming that she hasn't had a chance to send you the latest news.  During January, the carpets were pulled up, doors were taken down and the bathroom was renovated to accomodate a wheel chair.  The Health Team from St. Luke's Cathedral came, assessed the needs and set about addressing them.  A hospital bed was loaned, and I can tell you we are very thankful for it.  It has saved us a great deal of back trouble.  Meals have been organized and handiwork has been completed.  Without all of this support it would have been impossible to be ready in time.

I flew down on February 2nd to help Momma with the last little preparations, and Daddy came home on Saturday February 4th.  I'm sorry to say it's been a rocky transition.  It's been quite an adjustment for everyone.  All of this was complicated by Daddy developing a urinary track complication that landed us in the ER for the night.  Once that was sorted out, Daddy began sleeping better which has made a huge difference.  In addition to this, we've been assigned a cracker jack team of home health workers (OT, PT, speech therapy, nurse assistant and nurse) who will help us get Daddy back on track to recovery.

We thank you all for your prayers and support.  The presence of the Lord, manifested by friends and family, has sustained us through this difficult time.

Monday, January 2, 2012


Good Morning, this second day of January,

Hard to believe after all the preparation for Christmas and the New Year it is on to new projects. Thank you to all who helped us get Dick up, dressed , transported, and back to church after 3months. We were thrilled and wept through most of the service. The cathedral was beautiful,the sermon about the gift of salvation through Jesus, and the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit. Just being with our part of the body of Christ was healing for both Dick and me. He came home to turkey cooking, a nap in his own bed, and then a home cooked meal with friends and family to share. He was one happy camper and it was hard to return to the center. We did fairly well but found that pushing the wheelchair up the ramps and over the carpet was very difficult .The transferring him from chair to bed, etc. is hard. He is still unable to use his left side and needs total assistance. But, he is getting stronger and can get out of the chair with more ease and stand holding on to a rail independently for a few minutes. Same with the car transfers. I definitely will need help if he doesn't improve by Feb.

We have started the process of transitioning from rehab to home. The first thing was to get him set up with a  neurologist. That in itself was another God story. We will see him the 10th for evaluation. The therapy department needs his input with theirs to determine what is next. In the meantime, our girls and their husbands are taking us on- each has something-not sure just what- they are researching. Katie will be flying in the 9th to be my mouth, ears, and advocate as all this can be overwhelming. They are great and quite a team . Katie, Susie, and  Becky and families were together at Susie and Art's new home in Chimney Rock,NC They had a ball and time to pow wow about the "elders". We use to laugh that they would put us  on an ice flow but now that global warming is suddenly upon us they are finding alternative accommodations. Tree houses, backyard sheds, or out on a playground. Seriously, we have been truly blessed with loving, caring, and sharp, wise children.

I woke up New Year's day feeling more alert and alive than I have is awhile. It was a relief to have 2010 and 2011 behind us and ready to forge ahead with Jesus into what the future holds. He does fill my joy bucket but sometimes in (theory ) for me and then in spirit, soul, and body as I experience His presence in my heart and those around me.

Blessings to you in a New Year of joy, peace, and knowledge of your specialness in the eyes of our heavenly Father.

Dick and Amy

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Dear Friends and Family,
Thank you for all the cards, pictures, visits, and phone calls. We have a tradition that all the pictures get placed on the refrigerator for the year so we can pray for you and see your wonderful families. This year they are posted on the wall next to Dick's bed and have made a wonderful way for him to see you and share in your Christmas and holiday wishes. I will get a note out after the Day and let you know how all is going.
A dear friend from Church who is a PT is coming out with me early Christmas Day to get Dick dressed in his finery-his Grant plaid rabat and green coat- and bring him to the 10 o'clock service at St. Luke's. This is his first outting into the church and then home for the turkey and goodies. Bob Baker, our friend who has been working hard to get the door widened, grab rails up, and a ramp made to assist us has truly been a God send as well as all the St. Luke's family, our neighbors, and the weekly visitors. My nail and hairdresser,Suzie, has come out and cut his hair once and is coming Christmas Eve for a trim. Is this not the gracious hand of the Lord meeting not only needs but wants? I really do not know how to express the fullness of my heart for all these loved ones who are carrying us in their arms and prayers.
Yesterday, the 21st was our 48th anniversary and we had fun. I took our wedding album out, showed everyone what a cutie Dick was and is, and had a great time at the resident Christmas event luncheon. Then for dinner I went out and brought in enchiladas for us to enjoy and have some of our soul food. He ate everything and thoroughly enjoyed the change and reminiscing. We have had quite a journey together and expect more adventures in the coming years. The Lord has not let any of this be wasted and we are amazed at the way He uses our lives to bring glory to His Father . Being His children is far from dull and very comforting to know He has everything well in hand.
We send our Christmas greetings and blessing for a full, joyous,love filled day as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior.
Dick and Amy

Thursday, December 8, 2011


 Dick and I have been busy getting goals met and slowly seeing progress. I did have the xrays done and there were no fractures of the hips, just degenerative bone evidence and a spur. We were able to get him out in the car for a ride around and that was great. I took him by the house and saw one of our neighbors outside.He was delighted and they had a good talk. Then I drove by the Publix, our big grocery chain, ran in and got him some of their Chinese food which he really likes. We took it back to the center and had that for dinner rather than their "cuisine". He did very well and thoroughly enjoyed the change of scenery. I need to get him out this next week to see all he Christmas lights.
 If you ever wonder how the Lord knows what you need to know and when, give me a call sometime and I can tell you. I started thinking about how we need to re- configure the bathrooms and what equipment will be necessary. Not just wondering but beginning to fret. Psalm 37 popped up about fret not- KJV- and I reluctantly said okay. The next day I saw a friend in the Publix who said," remember I can do plumbing and electrical work", and he was the one who had installed a door for us in the bathroom that would fold and give us more room. You have to remember our house was built in the fifty's and bathrooms were not the priority. Dick's is a real joke. A walk through closet would be more like it. As it turns out we can remove the door into our bedroom, take off the framing, enlarge a few inches, and get about 29 inches from the present 23inches now. My brother just happens to be having his bathroom redone so they will send his workers over to see if it is possible. Humm, how did the Lord know I would be needing this help? My next concern was getting a doctor as a follow up with Dick and who? Again yesterday the therapist asked if I had started thinking about this and said it would have to be a neurologist and we needed to have Dick seen before he leaves the center. The neurologist will be able to tell just how much he sees is returning according to the medical records since the stroke. So I started on that today and have someone and have gotten the ball rolling. Dick has alot of issues since he did have that heart attack in 93, all the cancer, and now this. I had no idea there was so much to be on top of at this stage of the game. But it is going smoothly and I am sure we will be ready to get him home by the end of Jan. He will definitely be in a wheelchair unless the Lord speeds up the healing process of his brain re-wiring. That could be your specific prayer because right now he is totally dependent on help.
He has gotten much stronger and is able to pull himself up to the bar and stand straight with help stablizing his left leg. He can take steps with his right leg, a hemi-walker, and assistance sliding his left foot. He is getting some tone back in the left arm and leg but no independent movement and alot of pain on that side. The is no determination as to how long and if he will regain use of that side. His spirits are fair and he can still laugh but wears out easily. Our nightly prayers, Advent readings, and blessings get both of us the night and next day. The harvest is plentiful out there and our hearts can 't help but sadden at  so many discouraged and hopeless people. Please pray that we can remain strong in the Lord's promises and love as this gets long and wearing on the soul and spirit. Your prayers, calls, and cards are very lifting and a constant reminder that Romans 8:28 is truth.

Blessings and joy this wonderful Advent season.
Amy and Dick

Monday, November 28, 2011


Dear Family and Friends,
 What a blessed and God filled Thanksgiving we had. Our dear friends, Charlene and David Laird and two prayer warriors, Pena and Zona, came out laden with real turkey and all the goodies of a home made meal to celebrate with Dick and me. I had decorated the private dining room like I would at home and we shared wonderful fellowship and of course food.  Our friend Pena is quite a believer and always has stories to tell of how the Lord takes her from day to day. She literally has very little to live on and lives by faith to make it to the next day. We all need a dose of Pena especially when we think we are struggling.
 Dick is still complaining of terrible pain in his left hip and even though the therapist say it is just the nerves waking up, I am ready to have it xrayed. Even if it is just the nerves I will have peace of mind that there are no fractures or tumors getting in the way.  This advocating gets tiring after awhile but with the load the therapists have I guess I need to be in there all the time. I am also going to see if he can be on antinflamatories every four hours to get this under control. He really does not say anything about how bad it is until I am there and that does frustrate the staff as they have a PRN order for pain.
 he still has no movement in his left arm or leg but can feel the tension in his left thigh as he tries to move it. That is a good sign.
 I am hoping to get permission to get him out in the car for a ride and see the lights. The PT has to help him with the transfer and I would have to arrange to have them assist into the car before and after our jaunt. I did some wheeling and dealing last month and traded in our 2 cars and got a Honda CR-V and left over money to do some house needs as garage doors. The car is a better fit than our Odyssey and Camrey were. One too high and the other too low. I warned Dick that he better get home soon or no telling what I might sell. He has alot of "treasures" .
 We will be spending Christmas here but I do not think he will be ready to stay home over night. We will get him here for the day and enjoy the gift of our Lord and Savior together . I did make him an Advent  wreath using the battery operated candles so we can read and light our candles every day. This is one of our favorite seasons in the church year as we prepare our hearts and minds for the first coming of Jesus and waiting and staying alert for His second coming. May you experience that wonderful anticipation of His birth and know that without our Abba's deep,unconditional love for EACH of us we would be among those who have no hope or joy as we journey through our lives in this world.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I have waited to pass along the news  because we had a care plan gathering with the staff today and wanted to gather their impressions of Dick's progress.
The PT and OT are pleased with his working hard and see gradual movement and strength on the left side. He still has no use of the left side but has gained enough strength in his trunk to allow his left elbow to slightly push him towards the right and then bring himself up to a sitting position. Their goal is to have him able to accomplish daily activities with little assistance. I watched him stand in the parallel bars today and makes me so appreciate the use of my limbs without any difficulty. It is hard to watch an active man now having to struggle to stand and walk. I thank the Lord for the patience and gift of the therapists.

He has not been able to sleep very well as his roommate calls out in the night and there are two men down the hall that yell. We brought that up at the meeting and there is a room available tomorrow that is in a quieter hall. He really needs his rest as he can barely stay awake after a couple of the therapies.

This Friday we are getting together with the two couples we meet with for dinner and fellowship. They are coming out to the center and we have the private diningroom to use as we bring home cooked goodies and
celebrate our life in the Lord and each other. We have been so blessed by the visitors and contact all of you have made with us. Truly the Body of Christ in action. I am sure this has enabled Dick to keep trying and trust in the Lord to give him the strength to walk this journey.  We will bring Thanksgiving to him and also I plan to join him on the 22nd to celebrate with the center at their Thanksgiving meal.

As I think about Thanksgiving I have so much to be thankful for in having Dick alive and the care and accessiblity to wonderful health care. I have a giving, loving, and faithful family and a wonderful Church family that has walked with Dick and me through years of health issues. May our Lord and Savior bless and grace you with His deep abiding love.