Monday, January 2, 2012


Good Morning, this second day of January,

Hard to believe after all the preparation for Christmas and the New Year it is on to new projects. Thank you to all who helped us get Dick up, dressed , transported, and back to church after 3months. We were thrilled and wept through most of the service. The cathedral was beautiful,the sermon about the gift of salvation through Jesus, and the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit. Just being with our part of the body of Christ was healing for both Dick and me. He came home to turkey cooking, a nap in his own bed, and then a home cooked meal with friends and family to share. He was one happy camper and it was hard to return to the center. We did fairly well but found that pushing the wheelchair up the ramps and over the carpet was very difficult .The transferring him from chair to bed, etc. is hard. He is still unable to use his left side and needs total assistance. But, he is getting stronger and can get out of the chair with more ease and stand holding on to a rail independently for a few minutes. Same with the car transfers. I definitely will need help if he doesn't improve by Feb.

We have started the process of transitioning from rehab to home. The first thing was to get him set up with a  neurologist. That in itself was another God story. We will see him the 10th for evaluation. The therapy department needs his input with theirs to determine what is next. In the meantime, our girls and their husbands are taking us on- each has something-not sure just what- they are researching. Katie will be flying in the 9th to be my mouth, ears, and advocate as all this can be overwhelming. They are great and quite a team . Katie, Susie, and  Becky and families were together at Susie and Art's new home in Chimney Rock,NC They had a ball and time to pow wow about the "elders". We use to laugh that they would put us  on an ice flow but now that global warming is suddenly upon us they are finding alternative accommodations. Tree houses, backyard sheds, or out on a playground. Seriously, we have been truly blessed with loving, caring, and sharp, wise children.

I woke up New Year's day feeling more alert and alive than I have is awhile. It was a relief to have 2010 and 2011 behind us and ready to forge ahead with Jesus into what the future holds. He does fill my joy bucket but sometimes in (theory ) for me and then in spirit, soul, and body as I experience His presence in my heart and those around me.

Blessings to you in a New Year of joy, peace, and knowledge of your specialness in the eyes of our heavenly Father.

Dick and Amy

1 comment:

  1. Dick and are both such amazing people. We don't know what the future holds. But we do know that God will be with us all the way. I pray that the year 2012 is a year of blessing for both of you.

    Suzanne Stelzel, East Bernard, TX
