Thursday, December 22, 2011


Dear Friends and Family,
Thank you for all the cards, pictures, visits, and phone calls. We have a tradition that all the pictures get placed on the refrigerator for the year so we can pray for you and see your wonderful families. This year they are posted on the wall next to Dick's bed and have made a wonderful way for him to see you and share in your Christmas and holiday wishes. I will get a note out after the Day and let you know how all is going.
A dear friend from Church who is a PT is coming out with me early Christmas Day to get Dick dressed in his finery-his Grant plaid rabat and green coat- and bring him to the 10 o'clock service at St. Luke's. This is his first outting into the church and then home for the turkey and goodies. Bob Baker, our friend who has been working hard to get the door widened, grab rails up, and a ramp made to assist us has truly been a God send as well as all the St. Luke's family, our neighbors, and the weekly visitors. My nail and hairdresser,Suzie, has come out and cut his hair once and is coming Christmas Eve for a trim. Is this not the gracious hand of the Lord meeting not only needs but wants? I really do not know how to express the fullness of my heart for all these loved ones who are carrying us in their arms and prayers.
Yesterday, the 21st was our 48th anniversary and we had fun. I took our wedding album out, showed everyone what a cutie Dick was and is, and had a great time at the resident Christmas event luncheon. Then for dinner I went out and brought in enchiladas for us to enjoy and have some of our soul food. He ate everything and thoroughly enjoyed the change and reminiscing. We have had quite a journey together and expect more adventures in the coming years. The Lord has not let any of this be wasted and we are amazed at the way He uses our lives to bring glory to His Father . Being His children is far from dull and very comforting to know He has everything well in hand.
We send our Christmas greetings and blessing for a full, joyous,love filled day as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior.
Dick and Amy

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