Thursday, December 8, 2011


 Dick and I have been busy getting goals met and slowly seeing progress. I did have the xrays done and there were no fractures of the hips, just degenerative bone evidence and a spur. We were able to get him out in the car for a ride around and that was great. I took him by the house and saw one of our neighbors outside.He was delighted and they had a good talk. Then I drove by the Publix, our big grocery chain, ran in and got him some of their Chinese food which he really likes. We took it back to the center and had that for dinner rather than their "cuisine". He did very well and thoroughly enjoyed the change of scenery. I need to get him out this next week to see all he Christmas lights.
 If you ever wonder how the Lord knows what you need to know and when, give me a call sometime and I can tell you. I started thinking about how we need to re- configure the bathrooms and what equipment will be necessary. Not just wondering but beginning to fret. Psalm 37 popped up about fret not- KJV- and I reluctantly said okay. The next day I saw a friend in the Publix who said," remember I can do plumbing and electrical work", and he was the one who had installed a door for us in the bathroom that would fold and give us more room. You have to remember our house was built in the fifty's and bathrooms were not the priority. Dick's is a real joke. A walk through closet would be more like it. As it turns out we can remove the door into our bedroom, take off the framing, enlarge a few inches, and get about 29 inches from the present 23inches now. My brother just happens to be having his bathroom redone so they will send his workers over to see if it is possible. Humm, how did the Lord know I would be needing this help? My next concern was getting a doctor as a follow up with Dick and who? Again yesterday the therapist asked if I had started thinking about this and said it would have to be a neurologist and we needed to have Dick seen before he leaves the center. The neurologist will be able to tell just how much he sees is returning according to the medical records since the stroke. So I started on that today and have someone and have gotten the ball rolling. Dick has alot of issues since he did have that heart attack in 93, all the cancer, and now this. I had no idea there was so much to be on top of at this stage of the game. But it is going smoothly and I am sure we will be ready to get him home by the end of Jan. He will definitely be in a wheelchair unless the Lord speeds up the healing process of his brain re-wiring. That could be your specific prayer because right now he is totally dependent on help.
He has gotten much stronger and is able to pull himself up to the bar and stand straight with help stablizing his left leg. He can take steps with his right leg, a hemi-walker, and assistance sliding his left foot. He is getting some tone back in the left arm and leg but no independent movement and alot of pain on that side. The is no determination as to how long and if he will regain use of that side. His spirits are fair and he can still laugh but wears out easily. Our nightly prayers, Advent readings, and blessings get both of us the night and next day. The harvest is plentiful out there and our hearts can 't help but sadden at  so many discouraged and hopeless people. Please pray that we can remain strong in the Lord's promises and love as this gets long and wearing on the soul and spirit. Your prayers, calls, and cards are very lifting and a constant reminder that Romans 8:28 is truth.

Blessings and joy this wonderful Advent season.
Amy and Dick

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