Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Dear Family and Friends,

No we have not fallen into a black hole but after all the girls left we are now on our own. I don't have  time to breath much less write and read emails. Those extra pair of hands were wonderful and trying to organize around Dick's needs, general household chores, doctor visits, and taxes to be done, I am a bit frazzled.

The urinary track problem is still with us so that means extra care and awareness to health issues. We have gone ahead and seen the oncologist about the multiple myeloma and done blood work. Dick is still having the severe pain in his left shoulder and hip which concerns our oncologist, so we go for a pet scan tomorrow to see what is going on. If all is clear then we 're going to have to find someone to help with pain management.  He is willing but not fully able to assist with the PT,OT, and general care issues because of the pain. We were hoping to have outpatient therapy start now but we still need the home care until this is resolved.

Again thank you for the cards, phone calls, and prayers. They are sustaining us through this time of trial and testing.
I have added the note we sent to the Cathedral as a thank you for all our church family has done and been to us.

Dear Cathedral Family and Friends,

Amy and I thank God for your prayers and friendship through these past months of my recovery since the stroke in late September. While I still have not recovered the use of my left arm and leg, I have retained my awareness of your many expressions of love and concern. Your many cards, phone calls, and prayers have sustained us this whole time and continue to help us persevere.

We so appreciate the various church ministries of the Health Team, Food Ministry,KitchenTeam, Prayer Ministry,and LEV’s. They helped by providing meals while our girls were down to help prepare the house and after Dick came home on February 4th. They provided advice and equipment to ready the house for wheelchair access, and ready and willing bodies to be available whenever we need caretakers to give Amy a chance to run errands. A very special thanks to Bob Baker who spent hours widening the doors and helping to remove all the carpet and get the parquet floors underneath in usable condition. Also to Joanne Mumely who walked us through the pre-home job of getting the right equipment and overall encourager since the stroke. Also Bill and Roxanne McCormac who provided the person to help with the shower revamping and their on the spot reminders that help is available. A special gift to Dick was being able to receive communion while at the rehab center and have pastoral visits from his fellow clergy. This has truly been the Christian community in action .

We can never fully express our appreciation in these few words but please know you have done real service in the name of and to the glory of Jesus.

In His love,

Dick and Amy Grant

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