Sunday, October 16, 2011


I put Susie on the plane this morning and greet a new week with just Dick and me. We were so blessed to have our girls come and walk with us these three weeks as we began adjusting to our new journey.

We learned alot about asking questions, following up on orders written, and checking to make sure Dick was being given the correct care or finding out why not. I can truly say it is difficult being on the other side of the  nurse/patient relationship as I was definitely one of those intrusive family members and yet observed a real change in nursing care. There is a sense of non relationship between families and staff. Almost a fear to connect. The therapists and techs are more involved and seem to try to understand the whole patient needs.
The doctors, not all, hesitate to make eye contact and rush in and out before questions can be asked.  There is a very personable neuropsychologist on the floor that has been my contact person and I feel comfortable going to him with my concerns and questions.

`I have seen some improvement in Dick's ability to stay more alert. Friday the therapists really worked him hard and he stuck with it. Saturday was a rest day but he stayed awake, was up in the rec room, and seemed more relaxed. Today some friends brought their dog Muffin for a visit and he was able to go outside to visit. That really perked him up.

Now that the girls have gone home we are changing the schedule so I go in to visit in the afternoon while he has the morning to totally concentrate on therapy . We have a week to catch up from the lost time with the headaches and general weariness. I think we have made a turn and look forward to better days.

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