Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I am taking a break this morning from the early shift of visiting Dick. Susie is here for the week and is going in to follow His progress and learn as much as she can to pass along to me. Since the girls have been here I am able to get their opinions and help when things seem a bit overwhelming.

Dick's weekend was not very good as he had the hiccups so much that the doctor put him on a med that zonked him. He seems to make some progress and then a step back. Yesterday, however, was much better and he had some good PT, OT, and ST. He is still significantly impaired on his left side and does not have the use of his arm and leg. He is very much aware of this and tries hard but gets discouraged. I continue to set our sights on our friend Bud Brakmann who had the same thing eight years ago and is a testimony to the healing power and grace of God. We are very aware of the presence of Jesus in all this.

Thank you one and all for the cards, prayers, calls and visits. We truly cherish our family in Christ and know that this would be so much harder without your support.  1John4:16.

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