Thursday, October 20, 2011


This has been a week of improvement from few headaches, ability to stay awake, and really work hard. The schedule for Dick has been to let him rest in the AM and start the disciplines of OT,PT,and ST around 11AM. This gives him the opportunity to get through the morning ADL's--breakfast, dressing, and plain waking up. He passed his swallowing test to allow him to have plain liquids instead of the honey thick drinks that were not very appetizing. He still is on soft so has not gotten his Krispy Kreme yet but that will come.
He has been on the parallel bars and can stand straight with his left knee supported and looks into a mirror to see his alignment. He is beginning to help with the transferring from bed to wheelchair using a sliding board. The therapist,Sean, is working with me to do it with Dick. W are all hoping to see alot of progress this next week because he is to be discharged the 27th. 

The doctor and team feel he needs to go to another rehab center for more therapy as he will be too much for me to handle alone. So, Rosemary ,my sister in-law is going with me tomorrow to check out some places near us. We were advised by the caseworker to go unannounced so we can get a real feel for the places. We need to check for patient/nurse ratio, how much therapy they receive a day, general attitude, etc.

Dick has a new roommate who is a 50 yr. old man who had a brain tumor removed last year and has been on chemo therapy. He had a stroke last week that they feel is due to the chemo and radiation. He and his family are lovely and believing Christians. Right away he asked if he and Dick could pray together and set the tone for some special moments of thanksgiving and prayer. I have been reading God's Blessings by Sylvia Gunter and Arthur Burke each evening before I leave and saying a prayer of protection and peace over them. What a blessing this has been for me as I leave them knowing they are safe in the arms of Jesus and will get the much needed rest they require. I also come home with peace and the assurance all is well. What a wonderful Lord we serve.

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