Friday, October 7, 2011


I am sitting in Dick's room while he rests after a busy morning of therapy. He looked the brightest I have seen him in two weeks. He still has little stamina and either rests in the morning and works all afternoon or vice-versa. He has been on the parallel bars twice but has no strength on the left side and is dead weight. He did stand in the standing table today and said it felt good. His therapists are wonderful and he has charmed them with his sense of humor and good nature.

We had a team meeting yesterday with the doctor, case manager, and representatives of the therapists. They are hoping for Oct.27th as the discharge date but I really doubt if he will be ready. I know they have to set a goal for Medicare but he must be able to do 75%  with 25% assistance. Right now it is just the opposite.

Susie flys in tomorrow for a week and Becky heads home on Sunday. One of the things the doctor emphasized is my need for help after Dick gets home. The girls are planning to return after we get him home and settled.

He likes to get tucked in at night with a prayer and blessing that holds him in the arms of Jesus and the sure knowledge of his safety  in the Lord.

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