Saturday, September 24, 2011


I am having some trouble getting this started as the days seem to start with a bang and don't stop until I get home. There is so much going on and not sure what to include.

Dick is slowly gaining strength.  Yesterday was full of physical and occupational therapies.

The green type is Dick's own words.

  While it is tiring he is not complaining because he is surrounded by a bevy of really cute PT's and OT's. who keep encouraging him.He did very well, but as expected, he was exhausted.  We're hoping to get him into the rehab center this weekend.  Today he is waiting for his Transesophageal Echocardiogram to determine if the heart is the source of the plaque.  Dick is not looking forward to having the probe put down his throat, but we know this is one more step in getting some answers.  Our Scripture reading was from Psalm 34.  How appropriate to be reminded once again that the Lord is our Deliverer!

Katie arrived last night right before the heavens opened up with a terrific storm.  She is so thankful to have averted that adventure in the air.  She'll be here until Oct. 2nd to be another set of hands, eyes and ears. 

News bulletin: after being without food since breakfast we just learned they do not do the test over the weekend. Rather frustrating. communication between services, staff, and patients leaves alot to be desired. I have a feeling this is part of our refining. Dick says the refining fire is hot!!!~!

The Lord is good and He will take me through this valley.

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