Friday, September 30, 2011


Dick had a slight set back yesterday and today. He was extremely tired and not as alert . His ability to focus and stay with the PT program was noticeably decreased. Then I found out he had had the flu shot and was to receive the pneumonia shot. The need for these shots were for his protection in the rehab unit. After the stem cell transplant a year ago he was ready to be re-vaccinated for the childhood immunizations plus the flu and pneumonia. He is being exposed to everything and everybody and I really think his lethargy is due to these shots. I know I can feel pretty rough myself after the flu shot.

The highlight of today was the arrival of our youngest, Becky,Pat her husband, and Clara the 4yr.old granddaughter. Papa was pretty wiped out but she went right to him and gave him a big hug and then was
very concerned and attentive to him. We did not know how she would be since he does not have the old sparkle and charm, but she warmed right up to him. That was good medicine in itself.  She and her daddy will go back to Chicago on Monday and Becky will stay till Sunday. Katie leaves to go home this Sunday but we did get to celebrate her birthday here which was a neat way after all these changes in the Grant clan.

I go in late in the evening to make sure he is tucked in, has his evening prayers, and settled for the night in the loving arms of his Abba. We are so blessed to know who is in control of all this and comforted by the realization that nothing can separate us from the love of God.

Thanks to all for the cards, calls, and prayers.

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