Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Dick was moved to the Winter Park rehab unit this afternoon  It is a smaller hospital than Florida South and not quite as hectic. Since he will be on a strictly Rehab ,unit there will not be all the miscommunication between services as we experienced at Fla South on the neurology floor. The PT's , Speech therapists and OT's we came to know all said this was a good place and he will get intensive therapy. Not sure how long he will be there- at least 2 weeks.

He has not had much sleep up until now as the noise level and general anxiety of the hospital took its toll . Now he should be able to relax somewhat and know what he is being told will not be changed every few hours.

The results of the last test to find the origin of the clot did not reveal any serious areas of the heart. The doctor believes it must have been a very small piece of calcium or plaque. he will only have to be on a conservative med. probably like Plavix.. That is a praise the Lord.

Katie and I are pretty worn out and putting it to bed early tonight. Up and at it again tomorrow. The unit encourages family involvement at all phases so we will be there with bells on.

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