Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Blog #43 April 24, 2011 Alleluia! He is risen indeed!

Dear Family and Friends:

Alleluia, He is risen!  I am, of course, speaking primarily of our risen Lord Jesus, whose resurrection we celebrated on the 24th.  But, in a way, I am also referring to my own renewed life and energy.  After a three month "rest", I am once again tapping out the good news of how the Lord has restored me.

Wednesday of Holy week, my doctor again reassured me that there is no "M-spike" evidence in my blood of any multiple myeloma.  He said, "You are in complete remission." 

Alleluia!  Praise the risen and living Lord!

This is what the Lord told Amy years ago would be the case, and what I also "believed" but was more inclined to think of as probably "living with supressed cancer for a prolonged time with a good quality of life."  For one reason, every doctor who has ever spoken to me about multiple myeloma has said, "there is no cure for bone cancer."  And secondly, in all the years since diagnosis, (now going on 10) my quality of life has been quite good.  (It's hard for me to tell the difference between being weak and being just plain lazy.)

I am now convinced that Jesus has a plan for me (us) and an on-going ministry for which these ten years have just been a prologue.  Please pray for me that I may discern what that plan may be in its fullest.  I have already been approached by a fellow priest in another diocese to tell him of my experience as he, too, is about to go through a stem cell transplant. My testimony to him certainly felt like at least part of that call, and I pray that it was encouraging to him and all to God's glory.

Is there more of that to do?  In what format?  Rejoice with us and pray for guidance!

And thank you for your love, support, and prayers!  Happy Easter!  He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

As ever,


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