Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Blog #40 Jan 18, 2011 The Best News Yet!

Dear Family and Friends:

I've been to several doctors in recent weeks; I saw my stem cell doc yesterday.  He looked at the results of my December blood draw and beamed, "I think we can use the term 'almost complete response' with you.  Your cancer is not discernable." (there are two factors in this assessment - one of them indicates no discernable cancer - and there's an itty-bitty something in the other, hence the inclusion of the term "almost" The doc thinks that one is going to disappear also!)

Whoopie!  Praise the Lord Jesus!  Only by His grace and mercy!

While we are exultant about my status and more than willing to "share the good news," we are especially aware of friends who are in the same or similar process of dealing with cancer and for whom the future is not so bright at the moment. I don't want to blunt my witness, nor do I want to trumpet it so that anyone would be offended by it inferring that I think I alone am special, or that "I got healed; what's wrong with you?  I must be His favorite!"

Please Jesus, keep me joyful but humble!

The other good report is that my recent PSA is now .71!  Down from a 4.0!  Again, thank you Jesus!  Not sure where we go from this point in that regard, but it's sounding pretty good!

AND, the cholesterol is 184, which is pretty good too! 

All in all, the Lord is taking good care of me, especially when I cooperate!

I'm pretty much over the cold I caught at Christmas, although I have a nigglin dry cough.  But, sooooo much better than before!  Thanks for your prayers in all the issues concerning my health!

So, what do you want me to do, now, Lord?

Peace, joy, love, and hope,


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