Thursday, January 6, 2011

Blog #39 Jan 6, 2011 Nearly "Nunc dismissit" Almost

Dear Family and friends:

A Blessed Epiphany and a Happy New Year!  (kof!, kof!)

When last I wrote, I said "Nunc Dimittis" in celebration of all that was currently going on (Christmas et al).
Well, be careful of what you ask for, even in jest!  Of all the sights, sounds, tastes, and touches I was rejoicing over, something reached out and touched me, and sent me home from Maryland a very sick puppy. I was so-so on the trip home, but when we got home on the 29th, I hit the sack and was really miserable (pronounced "midderable") until just today.  Fortunately I never ran a fever, as that would have meant hospitalization (probably). 

What I had was a down to earth old fashioned head cold that prevented me from lying down for very long at a time: I had to sit up in order to breathe (pronounced "brede")  Oh misery untold!

I missed the New Year's celebration, Amy's birthday, and two Sundays in Church.  But, since I was "up" anyway, I did manage to see just about as many of the football games as were broadcast...and that's a lot!  So there is some grace in this.

It just goes to prove what my doctors have cautioned me about exposure to crowds and weather, etc.  My whole immune system was knocked out by the transplant and will not be back to anywhere near normal for a year.  That includes all my shots, too:  polio, typhus, smallpox, yellow fever, red neck fever, martian zizzplax, etc.  In about two months, I should be able to get a flu shot.  Meantime, I'd better be careful around crowds.

I'm still pretty puny, but I am sooooo much better than the last 10 days!  Yea God! thank you for your mercy.  Don't take me yet, God, I didn't finish our Christmas cards before we left.  They are now Epiphany letters!

God Bless!  May this day be a new Epiphany of our Lord Jesus to your life; may this year be yet a stronger epiphany of Jesus in your countenance and in your lifestyle.


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