Thursday, August 26, 2010

Blog #22 8/26/10 Twiddle-Dee, Twiddle-Dum

Dear Family and Friends;

Today's Day #21 for my little stem cells as they make themselves into new white cell, red cells, plateletts, and after our visit to the doctor today, the report's looking pretty good. Platelettes and white cells are now all within the completely normal range, and the red cells are not far behind.

They were a little concerned today, that my blood pressure was low (for me - 90's) and my pulse rate was elevated (like 115 bpm), and I complained about hot flashes. They concluded that I needed hydration, so they drizzled a quart of saline solution into me over the next 90 minutes while Amy had nothing to do but stare off into the distance (she'd forgotten to bring her book!).

And was it ever cold in that facility! Brrrrr! We think that the reason is that one of the nurses is about two weeks from delivery date and she's carrying a hot bisquit in the oven! All the other satff had sweaters to put on; they gave me a warmed blanket, but Ames just bore up onder it.

It's a waiting game now, for me (us), with some thumb twiddling, as I try to drink more each day, do more exercise, eat a little more (food still is not appepizing) and of course get plenty of rest. Not a very busy calendar, but any of those enterprises I've mentioned, sets me down panting; yet, the day seems to get away from me pretty easily.

We've gotten a wondrous number of cards and calls from very prayerful and encouraging folks. Thanks so much! It's truly a gift from God's host when you receive more first-class mail than junk! Makes me almost cry to think that people are not much into sending Christmas cards anymore because of the cost! (I'll leave that one in God's hands!)

Peace and joy to you all, in our Lord Jeus' name.

As ever in His Hope,


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