Sunday, August 22, 2010

Blog #21 8/22/10 Pressing on towards the mark

Dear Ones:

Pressing on towards the mark is scriptural and quite noble. But for me, now sprung from the hospital some five days, it isn't pressing very hard. I do well to get up, use the bathroom, walk around the house once or twice, maybe eat something and fall back in bed exhausted. It feels like a day's work.

But, bless Amy's heart, she noted that all my stem cells are juvenile, just like a newborn baby's: "all newborns do is eat a little, blink and look around, poop, and go back to sleep. Go back to bed, Dick." That permission not to have to be "productive" is very welcome!

This afternoon, however, I discovered another souce of fatigue. I have an army of pills to take, and over half of them list "drowiness" as one of the possible side effects. So, there! If you come to visit, and I am sleeping, don't worry, it's part of my daily routine. I don't mind being roused and sociable. And, if you come and I am sitting up and "awake," after a bit, I might just sort of lean over on you and go to sleep! ZZzzzzzzz!

I am getting stronger by the day and rejoicing to greet each new day! This is Day #17 of my "new cells" and I am pressing on toward the mark, day by day. May the Lord be glorified in this victory! AMEN!

Peace and joy! Thanks for the continued prayers!



  1. Rest and be well, Dick. May the Lord guard you sleeping and guide waking.

  2. I just love reading your postings Dick!! And I praise God with you, for all He is doing in your body! May you grow stronger each day and soon get off all those meds causing you to be so sleepy!! with love, from France, Cy
