Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Blog #20 redeux 8/17/10 Special Air

Dear Ones:
Unless I hit the wrong key again, I'll publish my last blog from within the confines of the hopital tonight! Praise the Lord, I'm free to go home tomorrow! Alleluia! whoopie! and Hot Dang! I will have been here only two and a half weeks, and believe me, that's long enough!
One of my recent visitors, however, asked me what this experience has meant to me. I thought only briefly to respond, "I come from this somewhat ashamed of the very shallow response I have had when learning that someone (especially someone young) has been sentenced to two to five years or more in prison." Albeit, these are not nice people, the thought that someone is confined to a cell a third the size of this room, with someone else, with incessant noise, constant fear, with no window, no visitors, no attending nurses to check on my welfare, no phone, no cards, no hope of seeing day except for a few hours, has shaken me. Forgive me Lord for having no more pity on the prisoner than I have had! And to think that Nelson Mandela came out of 26 yrs of mostly solitary inprisonment sane is incredible!
I leave this particular room to whomever is so privileged to have it: beautiful view, the only flat screen t.v. in the ward, the biggest refrigerator, and an overview of the helo pad. The last has given me the awareness of the many trips to and fro the pilots and crew make, and of the need of healing the people they ferry have. I have prayed for them on each occasion that they arrive, and I leave here almost reluctantly, as though leaving my post. Amy patted my hand gently and reminded me, "The Lord will provide someone for that. You're coming home."
Well, Im not sure what I am going to do with my new found sentiment, but I tell you that tomorrow, I am going to take a deep breath of freedom and give praise to my Lord!
I will learn more about what I can and cannot do after I get sprung, but I suspect it will be very limited; sorta like "house arrest.
I surely have felt your prayers and encouragement, and will love to see you if you care to drop by the house. Call before you come as I am sure we will have many hours yet to come in the doctor's clinic.
Much love to you all on my next to last day at "Stem Cell Camp."
Your brother in Christ,

1 comment:

  1. Yah! I am thankful you'll be home soon. So, now you'll transfer to "Healing Camp." May God continue to bless you.
