Sunday, August 15, 2010

Blog #19 8/15/10 A Glorious Sabbeth

Dear friends and family:
This is the day the Lord hath made; let us rejoice in it and be glad! Although I didn't sleep well, I awoke (again) at 8:30 and felt gloriously refreshed. The day got better from then on.
My white blood cells have risen to 0.5! Ta da! I thought that meant I was within a day or so of release, only to learn that the count has to be over 1000. But any step, even a small step is cause for rejoicing. And apparently I am trading hair for white blood cells as my toppage is beginning to rain down on my keyboard, even as we speek.
Last night I bade Becky goodbye as she journeyed home today to Chicago, her hus band, daughter, and her career. What a blessing it was to have her here for 10 days. After she left, I sat down and composed another blog (#18); I edited, rewrote, composed, spell-checked, etc., marveling at its wit and wisdom, and pressed "Publish Post" and apparently bade it farewell as well. The blogsite responded by announcing "You have successfully published your post", but fired it off into cyberspace somewhere. It is not to be found!
Oh well, must not have been all that good.
The summary is this: entering week three in Stem Cell Camp. I am in good spirits, have no physical complaints, other than hair loss (which is no big deal) and my left eye is no longer blue....its blood red! Something busted loose and what would normally be just some "red eye" is quite blood filled. Doctor figured my platelets are low, so I've been given some donor plateletts to help stop these little "bleeds."
It was especially good to see my brother Charlie this afternoon. Kaye brought him to see me and that delighted me. We had a good visit.
I close this day in prayer and thanksgiving for His nearness and goodness. Thank you Lord!
As ever in Jesus,


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