Monday, August 9, 2010

Blog #14 (I think) Back on the blog! (I think & hope)

Dear Friends and family:
Today began week two in Stem Cell Camp, and so far, with the exception of getting stir crazy after only one week (of maybe three)I,m doing very well. My stem cell count has not dropped yet as it's supposed to, so here I sit in a waiting mode. The doctor and nurses all assure me that in time, I will feel like the bottom of the fish tank. That's called my "nadir." So, I spend my time reading, watching t.v., strolling around the ward floor with my "tree", thinking, praying, writing, snoozing, etc.
Amy got my computer back from the repair man and so far it seems to be doing o.k., although it did refuse to send the entirety of a email response I typed out. In fact, it wouldn't send any of it until I put it into "draft" status, and then sent only part of it. Sigh!
I have a very nice view from my room of the lake opposite the hospital, and I can see the pretty red flowers on the bridge on Mills street. the helo port is just below me, so I get to watch that activity. Wheee!
I've had some visitors and lots of cards! Daughter Becky will remain here until the 15th, and that's such a blessing. Thanks for thinking of me and saying such beautiful prayers.
Now, that's something I can do while I'm just sitting about. If you'd send me the names or situations you'd like prayer for, I crank them out for you for sure!
Blessings, peace and joy from Camp,


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