Wednesday, August 4, 2010

BLOG #10 AUG 4,2010

Dear Friends and Family,
I will try to follow Dick's outline tonight and hope it looks similar to his. Not quite sure how it goes but certainly not running all together as last nights. I also have to edit what I said. I told you he had 10 million stem cells but that was 10 syringes full. He put out 4.6 million, still alot.
He will have 5 put in tomorrow morning and 5 the next day. I can be there and they do it in his room over an hours time. Amazing and not as restrictive as we were led to believe.
He can have visitors and there is not masking, gloving, or gowning. The only time he has to wear a mask is when he is out walking in the hall. His door is to be closed all the time and we need to be washing our hands constantly but generally not as anxiety provoking as before. he is welcome to have visitors and you can come up or call to say "hi". The number is 407-303-1550
Room 3782. I know he would enjoy a call or visit.
He still feels pretty well but will begin feeling the effects of the chemo about Sat. or Sunday. Then until the stem cells start to develop into the red and white cells of the new bone marrow.
Katie and I went in for a shorter time today as he needed some space and will not rest or stop talking if we are there. We are happy to read but he seems to think he has to entertain us.
Becky comes tomorrow and what a blessing the girls are. Someone else to do some of the thinking and processing and making sure I am hearing the right things.
Dick sends his love and assures you he is receiving your prayers and feels the power and strength they are bringing.

In His love,

1 comment:

  1. The old adage "The devil is in the details" comes to mind upon reading Amy's description of your travail through admitting.
    Our thoughts and prayers are always with you Mobile One. We look forward to having you among us once again.

    Rosemary and Joe
