Saturday, August 7, 2010

BLOG # 11 AUG 7, 2010

Dear Family and Friends,
This computer has been acting up but we are back in business and ready to report the last two days.
Dick had all his stem cells transplanted on Thursday and did great. They were talking about splitting the doses between two days but changed their minds and got it over with in 21/2 hours. I was there in his room and they put in 10 20cc syringes ,monitored his temp. and blood pressure as well as giving him huge amounts of fluids. That is to flush out the dead cells they killed off with the chemo.
It is an amazing procedure. He had to get up frequently to use the bathroom so was worn out after it all plus they gave him a diuretic to get rid of all the extra fluid. Katie came in the afternoon and then we came home to rest. We picked up Becky at midnight, so it was a full and taxing day for all of us.
Friday was a let down day and Dick was exhausted. His stomach has been upset and he is very tired so we cleared out of his room and he got some good sleep in the afternoon. I came home and slept too while the girls and their cousins went out for dinner. The girls went back in the evening and said Dick was much better and they walked the halls with him. I talked to him later and seems the sleep and resting was what all of us needed to recharge.
The doctor is very pleased with his progress but does say the low period is coming as the rest of the dead cells get out of his system and the stem cells have to reproduce the necessary cells to get the body going full steam.
We continue to stand in awe of what the Lord is doing and give him the praise and the glory for this wonderful gift of life he is giving Dick.
In His love and peace.

1 comment:

  1. Be strong and courageous, Dick, and peace be with you, Amy.
