Thursday, October 21, 2010

Blog #30 10/21/10 Implications (of the test results)

Dear Family and Friends:

(2) Implications of the Test Results

The tests done three weeks ago revealed that although the multiple myeloma had been dealt a tremendous whallop, the disease still exists in my system. I still have bone cancer. In fact, I still have two cancers: Bone and prostate (so far minute, being dealt with by shots of Luperon).
Not so long ago, the implication of such news would have resulted in the anticipation of painful and ineffective treatment and an inevitable and grusome death.

That, thankfully, is no longer the inevitable truth in all cases of cancer today. It might be, however, for those who those who did not get or perhaps ignored early warnings and did not get early diagnosis and treatment. And some cancers are just plain awful from start to finish and are agonizing for patient and family. Truly sad. My heart and prayers go out to them.

For me, early detection, the slow advance of the disease, and the development of newer and less traumatic drugs have given me a brighter outlook, even if the advance of the disease is inevitable (according to the doctor). I thank you Lord Jesus for that mercy!

The test results are clear: "Dick, you still have active cancer cells in your body."

The implications of the test results and of the reality of mortal flesh are also clear: "Dick, you aren't going to get out of this alive! You are, in fact, dying."

That awareness, however, is more truly a blessed reminder, than a devastation. I am "winding down." "The sand is passing through the pinch in the glass." And thus it has been since my birth. That said, I don't see me adopting the morose mindset of the 17th Century meta-physical poets who held that life was from birth a steady march toward the obscurity of inevitable death.

Knowing and accepting that this life always ends in death, I would rather use these test results as a wake up call to be more aware of life. In my next post, I will refer to the metaphysical poet John Donne who penned the famous words, "Therefore, never send to find for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee," and speak of future plans.

Thanks for you many prayers and support.



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