Thursday, October 7, 2010

Blog #28 10/07/10 Significant Dates

Dear Family and Friends:

Well, I'm still abiding, here on day #63. Come on Day #100! And yet as I say that, I realize I am wishing away my life, mildly restricted as it is. What a shame! Lord, I repent of that, and ask your forgiveness!

In my funk, I whizzed right past a significant date: Oct 4th, The Feast of St. Francis. Oh, what a day that was when I pastored a small church in rural Texas. We did a blessing of the animals in the school yard; all the school kids brought their annimals. And where most kids grow up and join FFA, everybody has at least one animal! calves, ponies, lambs, goats, chickens, ducks, snakes, fish, birds, cats and dogs of all sizes and descriptions, antfarms, gerbils, rats, etc. Fortunately, tho there some in the area, no one ever brought a skunk, rattler, bison, or ostrich. In my twelve years of spritzing the critters, I never got bit, and only once did a distressed kitty get away. (She stayed away from home about three days before coming back. I was absolved)

Those children who couldn't bring live animals were encouraged to bring a stuffed animal, so that nobody got excluded. With 130 students, we practically made a morning of it! Whooeee! What a day! From the lips of children came praise to God for the glory of His creation, as it did from St. Francis. Every day should be so significant.

But, there were days of grieving when someone lost a pet, or worse, a loved one. A hole had been made in the fabric of life, and for the moment, nothing brought them comfort. That was and is true for child and adult. We have all known that vacuum that only the grace of God can fill.

Recently, a number of our friends have lost their life's companion, and I grieve for and with them, especially on the anniversary of that passing. It's a significant date, and one I hope to remember with them so that I may lift them up in my prayers instead speeding through this minor "trial" of mine. "Lord, forgive me and make me an instrument of your peace..."

Enjoy this is a day the Lord hath made. Rejoice and be glad in it!



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