Sunday, July 25, 2010

Blog #6 July 25 Shots in the tummy

Dear Family and Friends:
This being Sunday evening, we've just returned from the hospital for the 6th of 8 shots of Nupegin I am to receive (2 per day at 7:30a.m. and 7:30p.m.). This drug causes the sterm cells to come out of the bone marrow and flow in the peripheral blood stream. Even so, this twice a day to the hospital for shots in the tummy get old fast. BUT, that's better than them having to get the stem cells out of the marrow, as that's a major ooowie!
Turns out this thingy in the chest isn't so bad after a day or so....maybe it softens up with the body temperature, or gets more flexible with movement. Anway, sleeping on it hasn't proven difficult....just sleeping is. Don't know why, but I seem not to get to sleep very thoroughly before I'm awake again. Maybe it's this medication.
This is the week of apheresis - the spinning off of the stem cells: that's a 4-6 hr/day for three days process, much like kidney dialysis. Now that's going to get boring, I think.
In specifics, please pray that I have the ability to produce enough stem cells, and only healthy stem cells are spun off and harvested. Thanks!
To God be the glory! Amen!

Yours in Christ,


  1. The Shannon family has you in their thoughts and prayers.


  2. Will do! Praying for those CFSC guys to be abundantly popular in your blood stream. Joanne

  3. Dick, You and Amy are very much in my prayers. Your Blog is such a help as we follow your journey with our prayers. May the Presence of the Lord be intensifed as you go through the difficult process of spinning off and harvesting your stem cells, which I pray will be healthy and numerous. Blessings to you both! Love, Mary Cohea
