Monday, July 19, 2010

Blog #4 - July 19

Dear Friends and Family:
Getting into the week of "real stuff" happens. Wednesday, I get the results of the last of my tests done last week. The bone marrow biopsy, last week, was painful, particularly since they had to do it twice. Double oowwwie! But the results were very good - the numbers are way down: less than "point one percent" malignancy in the marrow. Lungs and heart muscle checked out, too.
I also have my veins (in the arms) examined - if they are big enough, I won't have to have a centrol line placed in my chest. If not big enough, I'll have the line put in Thursday - day surgery..
I get four days of Nupegin shots - twice a day, 8a.m. and 8 p.m. That draws the stem cells out of the marrow into the periphery blood system. I don't know exactly how I'll feel at that time, but I guess I'll feel something!
Apherisis, the drawing out of my blood, spinning off of the stem cells, and the return of the remaining cells (red, white, platelets) to the blood system is next. Takes 3 or 4 days, four hrs/day (like dialysis). We're looking to harvest 2 million stem cells, 3 million is better, 5 million gives us enough to repeat this 5-8 years down the path. Of course, we're praying that it will never need to be repeated!
On the 2nd of August, I enter isolation and begin 2 days Melforin, the "killer drug" that kills off all cells in the marrow. 4th is a day of rest. August 5 is "day zero," the reintroduction of my stem cells into the blood stream, and the beginning of my body healing itself by these stem cells making healthy new white and red cells, and platelets in the correct number and balance.
Sometime during that process, I or Amy will let you know how it's going.
Thanks for many expressions of love and prayer,

In the Lord's peace and love,


  1. Thank you for sharing this part of the journey. The Mother Church of Texas has you in her prayers.

  2. Dick,
    I'm thinking of you and praying for you. You minister to us with your presence among us, and are greatly missed.
    Mary Balk
