Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Blog #3 Time gets neaerer 13 July

Dear Ones:
When last I blogged, I was on the cusp of what I had heard was going to be a terribly painful prostate biopsy. Done week before last, it's hardly worth mentioning. Uncomfortable, a bit, but painful...not in the least. Of the dozen snipits taken, however, one had a 1% malignancy. So, the urologist says we should repeat the biopsy in another couple of months, but that's when I am going to be rather puny from the stem-cell transplant.
So, what to do about the prostate cancer in the meantime? Urologist says, and myeloma doctor concurs, I take a series of shots of Luperon that stymies (stultifies? freezes?) the prostate cancer until I am well enough recovered from the stem-cell transplant to address it. More stuff in the system. Doc says a possible side effect is like "hot flashes." Am I going to get weepy, too? O boy! Nuff said about that.
Tomorrow, I begin the x-rays, the MRIs, the lung and pulmonary tests, plus another bone marrow biopsy (ouch!). Prayers then are going to be very helpful! Thanks!
The Lord is our great physician! He will be with us throughout, but thanks for your love, prayers, concerns, and support. We really feel them!
Blessings and peace to you all,

Dick 'n Amy

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