Friday, September 30, 2011


Dick had a slight set back yesterday and today. He was extremely tired and not as alert . His ability to focus and stay with the PT program was noticeably decreased. Then I found out he had had the flu shot and was to receive the pneumonia shot. The need for these shots were for his protection in the rehab unit. After the stem cell transplant a year ago he was ready to be re-vaccinated for the childhood immunizations plus the flu and pneumonia. He is being exposed to everything and everybody and I really think his lethargy is due to these shots. I know I can feel pretty rough myself after the flu shot.

The highlight of today was the arrival of our youngest, Becky,Pat her husband, and Clara the 4yr.old granddaughter. Papa was pretty wiped out but she went right to him and gave him a big hug and then was
very concerned and attentive to him. We did not know how she would be since he does not have the old sparkle and charm, but she warmed right up to him. That was good medicine in itself.  She and her daddy will go back to Chicago on Monday and Becky will stay till Sunday. Katie leaves to go home this Sunday but we did get to celebrate her birthday here which was a neat way after all these changes in the Grant clan.

I go in late in the evening to make sure he is tucked in, has his evening prayers, and settled for the night in the loving arms of his Abba. We are so blessed to know who is in control of all this and comforted by the realization that nothing can separate us from the love of God.

Thanks to all for the cards, calls, and prayers.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Dick was moved to the Winter Park rehab unit this afternoon  It is a smaller hospital than Florida South and not quite as hectic. Since he will be on a strictly Rehab ,unit there will not be all the miscommunication between services as we experienced at Fla South on the neurology floor. The PT's , Speech therapists and OT's we came to know all said this was a good place and he will get intensive therapy. Not sure how long he will be there- at least 2 weeks.

He has not had much sleep up until now as the noise level and general anxiety of the hospital took its toll . Now he should be able to relax somewhat and know what he is being told will not be changed every few hours.

The results of the last test to find the origin of the clot did not reveal any serious areas of the heart. The doctor believes it must have been a very small piece of calcium or plaque. he will only have to be on a conservative med. probably like Plavix.. That is a praise the Lord.

Katie and I are pretty worn out and putting it to bed early tonight. Up and at it again tomorrow. The unit encourages family involvement at all phases so we will be there with bells on.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


I am having some trouble getting this started as the days seem to start with a bang and don't stop until I get home. There is so much going on and not sure what to include.

Dick is slowly gaining strength.  Yesterday was full of physical and occupational therapies.

The green type is Dick's own words.

  While it is tiring he is not complaining because he is surrounded by a bevy of really cute PT's and OT's. who keep encouraging him.He did very well, but as expected, he was exhausted.  We're hoping to get him into the rehab center this weekend.  Today he is waiting for his Transesophageal Echocardiogram to determine if the heart is the source of the plaque.  Dick is not looking forward to having the probe put down his throat, but we know this is one more step in getting some answers.  Our Scripture reading was from Psalm 34.  How appropriate to be reminded once again that the Lord is our Deliverer!

Katie arrived last night right before the heavens opened up with a terrific storm.  She is so thankful to have averted that adventure in the air.  She'll be here until Oct. 2nd to be another set of hands, eyes and ears. 

News bulletin: after being without food since breakfast we just learned they do not do the test over the weekend. Rather frustrating. communication between services, staff, and patients leaves alot to be desired. I have a feeling this is part of our refining. Dick says the refining fire is hot!!!~!

The Lord is good and He will take me through this valley.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Grant Saga Begins

For those of you who are checking out Dick's blog and did not get the email I sent out, I will copy it here so you can catch up on the latest healing journey we have under taken. Have to admit this was not in our plans

 but then just another way to strengthen our trust and confidence in the Lord.

Time to put Dick back on the prayer list. He had an extensive stroke Tuesday night around 11:00 while getting into bed. I was reading in bed and he appeared to be leaning over to give me a kiss but I thought he was fooling around not getting all the way on the bed. When I asked him what he was doing he did not respond at first and as I looked up I noted he could not get his leg up. Then he garbled an answer and I called 911.

The upshot of all this is that he had a right anterior frontal and insular lobe clots, parietal lobe, and occipital lobe involvement. We now know that he could have  begun  this a couple of weeks ago but the largest one occurring Tuesday night. As we look back we can see the signs and symptoms but they were so much like the residuals of his chemo that we ignored them. 

Yesterday and today have been exhausting as trying to get him to tests that have been delayed, lack of communication between the staff and various departments, and the anxiety that accompanies all this.
Through it all he has maintained his sense of humor but obviously is scared but able to return to joy as we see the hand of the Lord at work. He has major loss of his left leg and arm but it has already started to gain some strength. His cognitive abilities are in tact and his speech is coming back rapidly. Can't keep a preacher from talking. It is getting clearer and he is totally alert.
The girls are flying in a week at a time to help out and give me the ears and words to hear all the directions, opinions, and ask the questions I forget to ask . What a blessing they are. It really is true that it takes a village to raise a child and continue throughout life to be a community to one another. The body of Christ has rallied around especially our Cathedral family, neighborhood and personal friends. We have been securely wrapped in the arms of our Abba, Savior, and Comforter.
I will try and get Dick's blog up and going and get him on it as soon as possible. He can always dictate to me and give you his impressions of this new adventure in our healing journey. You can bet we will have different viewpoints as he is the patient and I am the rehab nurse. I have learned over the years that mercy has to go along with the rehab attitude to " just do it." God has interesting ways to form those Godly characteristics that need fine tuning.


Today is the 22nd and we had good results from the Carotid Arteriogram. : slight stenosis in the right carotid and no stenosis in the left. But the question now is where did the plaque orginate? The echocardiogram has not been read or at least repoted to me. So I imagine he will be in this unit another day  and hopefully if all is well he can go to the rehab unit by this weekend. We want to stay here at Florida Hospital and he does qualify if there is a bed available. So, your prayer assignment is to pray for a bed whenever he is able to be transferred.

Had a good workout with PT,OT, and speech therapy. There is little to no movement in the left hand but he can raise his arm well and will be working on arm,hand, and shoulder excersises.
His speech therapist showed him how to purse his lips,keep tightly closed and blow out his cheeks. He added a raspberry as an additional step.

We will keep you aware of the trip and thank you already for the phone calls, visits, emails, and prayers.

Dick and Amy
Nehemiah 8:10