Friday, November 19, 2010

Blog #35 11/19/2010 More Praise the Lord Results

Dear Family and Friends:

Part of the Day #100 assesment had not been endured at my last posting. The most recent "trial" was a six hour toasting in the MRI machine. The noise is terrific! I had those little spunge ear plugs stuffed so far into my ears that they were about to come out of my nose! Even so, the "clunky-whang-whang-whang" is almost hypnotic. I think I've already given you my recipe for making that experience tolerable, the last time I had the lengthy MRI: I went back to my earliest memory and came up through grandparents, earliest childhood friends, schools, cub and boy scouts, camping trips, band trips, grade school, junior high, high school, college, fraternity, on through to the present. Six hours in the machine lets you remember a lot!

This time, since the exercise was not unique, it was harder to do, so I went to the "Lord is with you" (Emmanuel) times I can clearly recall and I dwelt with the Lord in those very wonderful occasions.

Oh, have I been blessed through my life....more than I deserve. One of my greatest blessings has been this encounter with multiple myeloma. Had it not been diagnosed and knocked me out of parish ministry in a very frustrating situation, I would never have come to Central Florida. Here, I have been nurtured in a thousand ways which I was able to recall as I encountered my faithful Lord again. I will count this last MRI as one of those blessings found in an unexpected place.

And, one of my greatest blessings is my beloved wife Amy. Her strength is awesomw, not only in faith, but in her tolerence and management of me during these past serveral months. She would get face to face with me and firmly say, "Dick, you KNOW that you can't do that just yet, so stop your whining!" And I least audibly

Then, yesterday we got the MRI results. The doctor said that it revealed a significant reduction of leisons in the pelvic area. Alleluia! Praise the Lord! and Hot tamales! I am convinced I am healed!

Sunday, day #101, we went to the "big" church service at the cathedral where I assisted. Some didn't recognize me with my present "do." My head is now covered with half inch white fuzz, growing in all directions. I have a tuft of hair sprouting in the middle of my dome, growing straight up; periferal hair is lying down, aligned with all points of the compass. I present a kwepie doll appearance, or since it's all white, maybe like a Dairy Queen cone! Some find it endearing, but I'd rather it lay down (which it won't!).

We're off this afternoon to greet and hear our dear friend and former mentor, Bp Alden Hathaway who is speaking at our conference center. What a great servant of the Gospel! And incidentally, he has had his own dealings with multiple myeloma. We will, however, have more to say about Jesus than medical conditions!

Thanks for your prayers...They have really done miracles!

In His love and peace,


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