Saturday, November 13, 2010

Blog #34 (really) 11/13/2010 Day 100 Whoopie!!

Dear Family and Friends:
This really is day 100 since the stem cell transplant!! Whoopie! We made it! And we are still without internet at the house, so this is once again done from Panera's amidst the dishes, the other "cool" folks who eat and go online.

Our travail with the phone company still goes on since the 1st of November and the "bundle" we have been trying to get out of. The T.V. came to change us out and managed to cut off our phone and our internet. Despite the phone company promises to come and get us set up again (since the 3rd) we are still without phone or internet. We are trying to be Christian about all of this, but sometimes it seems that our "charity" wears a little thin after being promised that a supervisor will call us right back...and nobody has ever called! Nobody! Nada! Zilch! after at least one promise per day since the outset.

But, the Lord is good! Alleluia! I am now officially out of the limited quarentine I've been in and can now move about more freely, and intermingle with "the unwashed." So, I'll go to morning services at the cathedral and assist in the service. Later, Amy and I will attend the annual parish picnic. ( I suppose I should wear a mask just to make some effort not to be exposed to someone with a cold..or worse) Anyway, we're going and I couldn't be more excited and thankful for the Lord's healing!

We are scheduled to be set up again with phone and internet by the, God willing, I'll be able to get back to the blog in a more reasonable time. On Thurs, I get some more info about how I'm doing. I know I'm doctor just needs to catch on!

Much love and thanks for your effective prayers and support,

In Christ,


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