Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Blog #24 09/06/10 "Ora Labora"

Dear Family and Friends:

"Ora Labora" is the tune name for the hymn that begins, "Come, labor on. Who dares stands idle on the harvest plain, while all around us waves the golden grain?" A nice guilt-laden song which of late has been banging around my little pea-brain. I guess part of my discomfiture is not so much physical as mental, as I wait idly for this old carcass to get some stamina. There is so much that needs doing, but I can't cut the mustard. While I have no particular complaint, I just don't have the oomph to do very much at all, even to read! So, you guys will have to labor on; I'll just have to watch, for now!

Last week's venture to the doctor's office revealed that things are going along swimingly and all blood counts are now back to normal. I don't even have to report in to the clinic this week! Whoopie! Even so, I am still cautioned about being around crowds without a mask. I can even drive with Amy in the passenger seat! Alleluia!

Time marches on; I'll be out and about 'ere long. Your cards and emails are always a blessing! Thanks for you prayers and encouragement!

Much love in Christ,


1 comment:

  1. . . . get some rest."
    Mark 6:30-32

    There is plenty of time for ora labora later. Is ther anything I can bake that might tempt you? I make a FAMOUS chocolate cake.
