Wednesday, February 8, 2012

He's Home!

Hi All,

This is Susie writing.  Momma's been so busy getting the house ready for Daddy's homecoming that she hasn't had a chance to send you the latest news.  During January, the carpets were pulled up, doors were taken down and the bathroom was renovated to accomodate a wheel chair.  The Health Team from St. Luke's Cathedral came, assessed the needs and set about addressing them.  A hospital bed was loaned, and I can tell you we are very thankful for it.  It has saved us a great deal of back trouble.  Meals have been organized and handiwork has been completed.  Without all of this support it would have been impossible to be ready in time.

I flew down on February 2nd to help Momma with the last little preparations, and Daddy came home on Saturday February 4th.  I'm sorry to say it's been a rocky transition.  It's been quite an adjustment for everyone.  All of this was complicated by Daddy developing a urinary track complication that landed us in the ER for the night.  Once that was sorted out, Daddy began sleeping better which has made a huge difference.  In addition to this, we've been assigned a cracker jack team of home health workers (OT, PT, speech therapy, nurse assistant and nurse) who will help us get Daddy back on track to recovery.

We thank you all for your prayers and support.  The presence of the Lord, manifested by friends and family, has sustained us through this difficult time.